- S A T K A Sedarka
- S R L
- S-Tool
- S.A. Sanctuary
- S.a. Slayer
- S.A.D.O.
- S.a.Slayer
- S.C.a.T.
- S.D.I.
- S.E.X. Department
- S.I.N.
- S.K.W.a.d.S.
- S.N.P.
- S.O.B.
- S.O.D.
- S.P.I.C.
- S.U.N.
- S.U.P.
- S.V.E.S.T.
- S.Y.F.T.
- S.Y.T.
- S4n (Sound for Nights)
- Sa Bruxa
- Sabaton
- Sabbat
- Saber
- Saber Tiger
- Sabiendas
- Sabu
- Sabu Paul
- Sabu, Paul
- Sabu,Paul
- Sacral Night
- Sacral Rage
- Sacrament
- Sacramental Blood
- Sacramentum
- Sacrat
- Sacred Alien
- Sacred Blade
- Sacred Blood
- Sacred Dawn
- Sacred Gate
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred Oath
- Sacred Outcry
- Sacred Reich
- Sacred Rite
- Sacred Sorrow
- Sacred Steel
- Sacred Warrior
- Sacred Warriors
- Sacred Will
- Sacri Monti
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice Isaac
- Sacrifice Sacrifice
- Sacrifice Theory
- Sacrificed
- Sacrificial Slaughter
- Sacrificium
- Sacrilege
- Sacrilege B.C.
- Sacrosanct
- Sad Serenity
- Sadism
- Sadist
- Sadistic Intent
- Sadistic Noise
- Sadistic Ritual
- Sadistik Execution
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadistik Forest
- Sadiztik Impaler
- Sadler Vaden
- Sadness & Unreqvited
- Sado Sathanas
- Sadus
- Safe Haven
- Saffire
- Saga
- Sahara Steel
- Sahg
- Saigon Kick
- Saille
- Saint
- Saint Asonia
- Saint Astray
- Saint Catee
- Saint Deamon
- Saint Diablo
- Saint James Society,the
- Saint Rebel
- Saint Slaughter
- Saint Vitus
- Saint's Anger
- Sainte Anthony's Fyre
- Sainted Sinners
- Saints
- Saints & Sinners
- Saints in Hell
- Saints Never Surrender
- Saints of Eden
- Saints Of Ruin
- Saints of Sin
- Saints Trade
- Sakis Tolis
- Sal
- Sal Solaris
- Salacious Gods
- Salem
- Salem Mass
- Salem Rages
- Salem's Bend
- Salem's Pot
- Saliva
- Sally Steele
- Salmon,Kim & the Surrealists
- Salt the Wound
- Saltatio Mortis
- Saltpig
- Salty Dog
- Sam Evian
- Sam the Butcher
- Samael
- Sambora, Richie
- Sambora,Richie
- Sambora,Richie (Japan)
- Sambora,Richie (Japan)
- Samhain
- Sammath
- Sammath Naur
- Sammy Hagar
- Sammy Hagar & The Circle
- Sammy Hagar & the Waboritas
- Sampson Gordie
- Sampson, Gordie
- Samsas Traum
- Samson
- Samson Paul Samson
- Sanctifica
- Sanctimonious Order
- Sanction X
- Sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Sanctuary Praise
- Sandkamper
- Sange:Main:Machine
- Sanguinary Execution
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sanhedrin
- Sanity in Death
- Sanity Obscure
- Sanitys Dawn
- Sannhet
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Hates You
- Santana & Buddy Miles
- Santiano
- Sanvoisen
- Sanzu
- Saor
- Saor Patrol
- Sapiency
- Saponification
- Saracen
- Sarah Borges
- Sarah Jezebel Deva
- Sarah Where Is My Tea
- Saratoga
- Saraya
- Sarayasign
- Sarcasm
- Sarcófago
- Sarcolytic
- Sarcoptes
- Sardonic Allegiance
- Sardonis & Eternal Elysium
- Sargeist
- Sarke
- Sarlic Bliss
- Sascha Paeth's Masters of Ceremony
- Satan
- Satan Face
- Satan Jokers
- Satan Worship
- Satan`s Host
- Satan's Empire
- Satan's Fall
- Satan's Host
- Satan's Satyrs
- Satan's Wrath
- Satan’s Host
- Satanic Assault Division
- Satanic North
- Satanic Slaughter
- Satanic Surfers
- Satanic Warmaster
- Satans Blood
- Satans Host
- Satans Jokers
- Satans Kadaver
- Satans Revenge on Mankind
- Satans Taint
- Satans Wrath
- Satarial
- Satariel
- Satellite Circle
- Saturday Night's Strike
- Saturnalia Temple
- Saturnian
- Saturnian Mist
- Saturnus
- Saturnus Terrorism
- Satyricon
- Saurom
- Saurom Lamderth
- Sauron
- Savage
- Savage Annihilation
- Savage Aural Hotbed
- Savage Blade
- Savage Bliss
- Savage Blood
- Savage Choir
- Savage Circus
- Savage Crow
- Savage Existence
- Savage Grace
- Savage Hornets
- Savage Lands
- Savage Master
- Savage Messiah
- Savage Necromancy
- Savage Oath
- Savage Republic
- Savage Rose
- Savage Steel
- Savage Wizdom
- Savallion Dawn
- Savatage
- Save the Clock Tower
- Save the World
- Save the Worlds
- Save Today
- Saving Abel
- Saving Grace
- Saving Joshua
- Saviour
- Saviour Machine
- Saviours
- Sawthis
- Saxon
- Saxorior
- Scabs on Strike
- Scald
- Scale the Summit
- Scalpture
- Scanner
- Scanner & Signs Ov Chaos
- Scar for Life
- Scar of the Sun
- Scar Symmetry
- Scar The Martyr
- Scarab
- Scarcross
- Scare Don't Fear
- Scarification
- Scarlet
- Scarlet 13
- Scarlet Angel
- Scarlet Anger
- Scarlet Aura
- Scarlet Empyrean
- Scarlet Fray
- Scarlet Rebels
- Scarlet Stories
- Scarlet Violet
- Scarlet's Remains
- Scarr
- Scarr, the
- Scarred
- Scarred By Beauty
- Scars of Armageddon
- Scars of Life
- Scars of Sodom
- Scars On Broadway
- Scarve
- Scatmother
- Scatterbrain
- Scavenger
- Scent of Death
- Scent of Flesh
- Sceptic
- Schädlich & Söhne
- Schaft
- Schammasch
- Schandmaul
- Schatten Muse
- Schattenfall
- Schattenmann
- Schattenspieler
- Schattentantz
- Scheitan
- Schelmish
- Schenker, Michael -Group-
- Schenker, Michael Group
- Schenker,Michael & Friends
- Schizo
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenic Voices
- Schlagwerk
- Schlagwetter
- Schloss
- Schloss Tegal
- Schmoelling,Johannes
- Schneewittchen
- Schnitt Acht
- Schnitzler, Conrad
- Schnitzler,Conrad
- Schock
- Schrat
- Schubert,Klaus
- Schuldt
- Schwarz,Siggi
- Schwarzer Engel
- Schweisser
- Schwermut
- Science of Sleep
- Scivias
- Scorched
- Scorched Earth
- Scorched Shore
- Scorched-Earth
- Scorched-Earth Policy
- Scorged
- Scorn
- Scornage
- Scorpion Child
- Scorpions
- Scorpions, the
- Scorpions,the
- Scott Stapp
- Scott, Bon
- Scott,Bon
- Scott,Bon With Fraternity
- Scour
- Scourge
- Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel
- Scratched Surface
- Scream
- Scream 3 Days
- Scream Arena
- Scream Blue Murder
- Scream In Eden
- Scream Maker
- Scream Serenity
- Scream Silence
- Scream Taker
- Scream Your Name
- Scream! Shout! Say Nothing
- Screamachine
- Screamer
- Screaming Dead
- Screaming Eagles
- Screaming Shadows
- Screeching Weasel
- Screw Houston Start Screaming!
- Scrimshanders
- Scrotum Grinder
- Sculforge
- Sculptor
- Sculptured
- Scum
- Scum from the Sun
- Scum of the Earth
- Scumfuck
- Scumripper
- Scums
- Sdi
- Se
- Se Josta Ei Puhuta
- Sea Hags
- Sea of Tombs
- Sea Within,the
- Sea Wolf
- Seabound
- Seamount
- Seance
- Sear Bliss
- Search & Destroy
- Season of Ghosts
- Seasons in the Field
- Seasons of the Wolf
- Seasons to Risk
- Seaze of Mystery
- Sebastian Bach
- Sebastian Bach (of Skid Row)
- Second Empire
- Second from the Surface
- Second Reign
- Second Skin
- Second to Sun
- Second Voice
- Secondhand Child
- Secrecy
- Secret
- Secret Alliance
- Secret Chord
- Secret Death
- Secret Druid Society
- Secret Fun Club
- Secret Illusion
- Secret Lives of the Freemasons
- Secret of Darkness
- Secret Oyster
- Secret Rule
- Secret Sphere
- Secret Stars
- Secrets
- Secrets of Sin
- Secrets of the Moon
- Secrets of the Sky
- Sect
- Sectorial
- Sede Vacante
- See You Next Tuesday
- Seeds Of Agony
- Seeds of Iblis
- Seeds of Perdition
- Seeds of Sorrow
- Seek and Destroy
- Seekers Are Lovers
- Seeking Solace
- Seelenwinter
- Seemless
- Seer
- Seether
- Seether Ft Amy Lee...
- SeeYouSpaceCowboy
- SeeYouSpaceCowboy...
- Seger Bob
- Seger, Bob
- Seger, Bob & Silver Bullet Band
- Seger,Bob
- Seger,Bob & the Silver Bullet Band
- Seher
- Seita
- Seizure Crypt
- Sektarism
- Selbstentleibung
- Seldom
- Selfish Hate
- Selfmindead
- Sellsword
- Selvans / Downfall Of Nur
- Semargl
- Semblant
- Semen Datura
- Sempiternal Deathreign
- Send More Paramedics
- Send More Paramedics/Zombie Ap
- Senna
- Sensa Anima
- Sense of Creation
- Sense of Justice
- Senses May Wither
- Sent By Ravens
- Sentenced
- Sentenced (UK)
- Sentenced to Fight
- Sentient Horror
- Sentinel Beast
- Senton Bombs
- Sentry
- Senyawa
- Seo Taiji
- Sepiroth
- Sepolcral
- Septagon
- September Mourning
- September Murder
- Septic Broiler
- Septic Cemetary
- Septic Cemetery
- Septic Flesh
- Septic Tank
- Septicflesh
- Sepulchral
- Sepulchral Curse
- Sepulchral Rites
- Sepultura
- Seraphim
- Seraphim System
- Seraphim Ward
- Serdce
- Serenade for June
- Serenity
- Serenity in Murder
- Serenity's Malice
- Sergeant Steel
- Serial Butcher
- Serial Vice
- Serious Black
- Serious Grind
- Serj Tankian
- Sermon
- Sermon of Flames
- Sermon of Mockery
- Serotonal (Ex Anathema)
- Serpens Aeon
- Serpent
- Serpent Ascending
- Serpent Crown
- Serpent Eater
- Serpent Eclipse
- Serpent Garden
- Serpent Lord
- Serpent Obscene
- Serpent of Old
- Serpent Omega
- Serpent Skies
- Serpent Throne
- Serpent Venom
- Serpent Warning
- Serpent's Knight
- Serpent's Order
- Serpentine Dominion
- Serpents
- Serpents in Paradise
- Serpents Oath
- Serpents of Dawn
- Serum 114
- Servant
- Servants To The Tide
- Servers
- Set Free
- Seth
- Seth Avett & Jessica Lea Mayfield
- Setherial
- Setyoursails
- Seven Cycles
- Seven Gates
- Seven Gates, the
- Seven Hollows
- Seven Hours After Violet
- Seven Impale
- Seven Kingdoms
- Seven Minutes of Nausea
- Seven Nails
- Seven Nines & Tens
- Seven Seraphim
- Seven Sister
- Seven Sisters
- Seven Sisters of Sleep
- Seven Sixty Two
- Seven Spires
- Seven Ten
- Seven That Spells
- Seven Thorns
- Seven Witches
- Sevendust
- Seventh Angel
- Seventh Avenue
- Seventh Cross
- Seventh Crystal
- Seventh Day Slumber
- Seventh Gate
- Seventh Legend
- Seventh Omen
- Seventh One
- Seventh Rize
- Seventh Son
- Seventh Star
- Seventh Storm
- Seventh Veil
- Seventh Void
- Seventh Wonder
- Sever Your Ties
- Severe Mutilation
- Severe Outburst
- Severe Torture
- Severe Torture/Blood
- Severed Head
- Severed Head of State
- Severed Heads
- Severed Mass
- Severed Savior
- Severed Saviour
- Sex Machineguns
- Sex Slaves
- Sexmag
- Sextiger
- Shaam Larein
- Shade Empire
- Shade of Sorrow
- Shaded Enmity
- Shadeless Emperor, The
- Shadow Breaker
- Shadow Danger
- Shadow Gallery
- Shadow King
- Shadow Land
- Shadow of Demise
- Shadow of Intent
- Shadow of the Torturer
- Shadow Tribe
- Shadow Witch
- Shadow Wraith
- Shadowkeep
- ShadowQuest
- Shadows Chasing Ghosts
- Shadows Fall
- Shadows Grey
- Shadows in the Crypt
- Shadows Land
- Shadows of Black Candlelight
- Shadowside
- Shadowspawn
- Shaggy 2 Dope
- Shah
- Shah-Mat
- Shai Hulud
- Shakhtyor
- Shakra
- Shallow Water Grave
- Shamall
- Shaman
- Shaman Elephant
- Shaman's Harvest
- Shamans Harvest
- Shameless
- Shank & Chrome
- Shape of Despair
- Shaped by Fate
- Shark Inferno
- Shark Island
- Sharks in Your Mouth
- Sharptooth
- Sharpville,Todd
- Shartten
- Shatter Messiah
- Shattered Beneath the Shade
- Shattered Destiny
- Shattered Realm
- Shave the Area Vs Attack Ships
- She Burns Red
- She Likes Todd
- She Pulled the Trigger
- She Said Destroy
- She Spead Sorrow
- She Spread Sorrow
- Sheavy
- Shed the Skin
- Shedding Destiny
- Sheep on Drugs
- Sheer Mag
- Sheer Terror
- Shell Beach
- Shepherds the Weak
- Sherinian Derek
- Sherinian, Derek
- Sherlock Holmes Chronicles
- Shewolf
- Shield of Wings
- Shihad
- Shinedown
- Shining
- Shining Black
- Shining Black Ft. Boals & Thorsen
- Shining Fury
- Shining III
- Shining Line
- Shining of Kliffoth
- Shining Path
- Shining Star
- Shining Wizard
- Shining, The
- Shinto Katana
- Shiny Black Anthem
- Shiny Toy Guns
- Shirley Temple of Doom
- Shit And Shine
- Shiva Ram
- Shiver of Frontier
- Shock Frontier
- Shock Therapy
- Shock Treatment
- Shock Troopers
- Shok Paris
- Shokran
- Shonen Knife
- Shoot the Girl First
- Shooting Guns
- Shooting Hemlock
- Shoreline
- Shores of Null
- Short Bus Pile Up
- Short Cross
- Short Sharp Shock
- Shortie Vs.Black Legend
- Shot Down Sun
- Shotgun Justice
- Shotgun Messiah
- Shotgun Rebellion
- Shotgun Sawyer
- Shotgun Symphony
- Shots in Order
- Shout
- Shout & Scream
- Shout Out Louds
- Show-Ya
- Showbread
- Shrapnel
- Shrapnel Inc.
- Shrapnel Storm
- Shrine of the Serpent
- Shrinebuilder
- Shrines of Dying Light
- Shuvel
- Shylmagoghnar
- Siamese
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- Siberian Meat Grinder
- Sibiir
- Sic
- Sic & Mad
- Sic Waiting
- Sic Zone
- Sic! Sic!
- Sick Mother Fakers
- Sick N' Beautiful
- Sick Of It All
- Sick on the Bus
- Sick Puppies
- Sick Speed
- Sick'n'Flaw
- Sickening Gore
- Sickening Horror
- Sickle of Dust
- Sicksense
- Side Effects
- Sideburn
- Sidebürns
- Siebenbürgen
- Siege
- Siege Lf 05
- Siege Cats
- Siege of Hate (S.O.H.)
- Siege of Power
- Sieges Even
- Siegfried
- Sielwolf
- Siena Root
- Sienna Skies
- Siggi Schwarz
- Siggi Schwarz & Friends
- Sigh
- Sigh & Explode
- Sighs
- Sight of Emptiness
- Sigir
- Sign Of Cain
- Sign of the Jackal
- Sign of the Southern Cross,the
- Sign X
- Signal Red
- Signs of Algorithm
- Signs of Human Race
- Signs of the Swarm
- Signum Draconis
- Signum Regis
- Signum: Karg
- siiickbrain
- Siissisoq
- Sijjeel
- Sijjin
- Sikth
- Silence
- Silence Before Decay
- Silence Equals Death
- Silence Gift
- Silence in the Snow
- Silence The Carnage
- Silence the Requiem
- Silencer
- Silent Call
- Silent Civilian
- Silent Death
- Silent Decay
- Silent Descent
- Silent Edge
- Silent Force
- Silent Force, the
- Silent Leges Inter Arma
- Silent Memorial
- Silent Overdrive
- Silent Planet
- Silent Rage
- Silent Rage,the
- Silent Scream
- Silent Screams
- Silent Skies
- Silent Stream of Godless
- Silent Stream of Godless Elegy
- Silent Voices
- Silent Winter
- Silentium
- Silentlie
- Silius
- Silver Bullet
- Silver Cypher
- Silver Dirt
- Silver Dust
- Silver End
- Silver Fist
- Silver Mountain
- Silver Phantom
- Silver Seraph
- Silver Serpent
- Silver Talon
- Silver Walks
- Silver Wind
- Silverhead
- Silverlane
- Silverstein
- SiM
- Simen Lyngroth
- Simmons, Gene
- Simmons,Gene
- Simmonz Metal Assault
- Simon & Bar Sinisters
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Simon Barr Sinister
- Simon Chainsaw
- Simon Collins
- Simon Godfrey
- Simon Says
- Simon, Jason
- Simon,Jason
- Simon,Paul
- Simons,Simone
- Simple Aggression
- Simulacrum
- Sin of Night
- Sinai Beach
- Sinamore
- Sinate
- Sinawe
- Sinbreed
- Since October
- Sindecade
- SinDizzy
- Sinergy
- Single Bullet Theory
- Single Gun Theory
- Sinheresy
- Siniestro
- Sinister
- Sinister Creed
- Sinister Device
- Sinister Footwear
- Sinister Realm
- Sinistral King
- SinKing
- Sinking Ships
- Sinking Soul
- Sinmara
- Sinn
- Sinner
- Sinner Rage
- Sinner's Blood
- Sinners Bleed
- Sinners Burn
- Sins in Vain
- Sins of America
- Sins of Omission
- Sinsid
- Sintech
- Siouxsie & the Banshees
- Siouxsie And The Banshees
- Sir Donkey's Revenge
- Sir Douglas Quintet
- Sir Hedgehog
- Sir Lord Baltimore
- Sir Reg
- Sir William Hills,the
- Sirakh
- Sircle of Silence
- Siren's Cry
- Siren's Legacy
- Siren's Rain
- Sirenia
- Sirens
- Sirens & Sailors
- Sirens and Sailors
- Sirens of Titan
- Sirrah
- Sister
- Sister Double Happiness
- Sister Machine Gun
- Sister Shotgun
- Sister Sin
- Sister Sparrow
- Sisters of Suffocation
- Sistrenatus
- Sisyphus
- Six Feet Deep
- Six Feet Under
- Six Foot Six
- Six Foot Under
- Six Magics
- Six Reasons to Kill
- Six Six Crush
- Six String Slaughter
- Six Ton Budgie
- Six-Point Lead
- Sixpence None the Richer
- Sixty Watt Bayonets
- Sixty Watt Shaman
- Sixx:A.M.
- Skady
- Skálmöld
- Skambankt
- Skarlett Riot
- Skarp
- Skeletal Earth
- Skeletal Family
- Skeletal Remains
- Skeletal Spectre
- Skelethal
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Beats
- Skeleton Crew
- Skeleton Of God
- Skeleton Pit
- Skeletones
- Skeletonwitch
- Skepticism
- Skid Row
- Skid Row Gary Moore
- Skillet
- Skiltron
- Skin
- Skin (Rock/Metal Group)
- Skin Area
- Skin Chamber
- Skin Deep
- Skin Failure
- Skin N' Bones
- Skin Tag
- Skin Yard
- Skindred
- Skineater
- Skinlab
- Skinless
- Skinny Puppy
- Skitliv
- Skitzo
- Skizoo
- Skold
- Skraeckoedlan
- Skrape
- Skrew
- Skrying Mirror
- Skuggrike
- Skuld,Morta
- Skulk Partition Root
- Skull & Bones
- Skull & Crossbones
- Skull Crusher
- Skull Fist
- Skull Throne
- Skull,Viking
- Skullflower
- Skunk d.F.
- Škwor
- Sky Architect
- Sky Architects
- Sky Bleeds Black
- Sky Eats Airplane
- Sky Empire
- Sky of Rage
- Sky Valley Mistress
- Skyclad
- Skyeye
- Skyfire
- Skyforger
- Skyharbor
- Skyline
- Skyline Collapse
- Skyliner
- Skyway Man
- Sl Theory
- Slabdragger
- Slackjaw
- Slade
- Slade Vs Flush
- Slagmaur
- Slam & Howie and the Reserve Men
- Slam Bang
- Slam Theory
- Slammer
- Slant
- Slapshock
- Slartibartfass
- Slash Ft Myles Kennedy & the C
- Slasher Dave
- Slate Grey
- Slaughter
- Slaughter & The Dogs
- Slaughter Denial
- Slaughter House
- Slaughter Lord
- Slaughter Messiah
- Slaughter the Giant
- Slaughter To Prevail
- Slaughter,Mark
- Slaughterday
- Slaughtering The Vile
- Slav Simanic
- Slave On Dope
- Slave One
- Slave Raid
- Slave Raider
- Slave to None
- Slave to the System
- Slave Traitor
- Slave Unit
- Slave Zero
- Slavebreed
- Slaves
- Slaves on Dope
- Slaves To Fashion
- Slaves to Gravity
- Slaves Wage
- Slavia
- Slay Duggee
- Slayer
- Slægt
- Slears
- Sleazy Arse
- Sleazyz
- Slechtvalk
- Sleep
- Sleep Chamber
- Sleep for Sleepers
- Sleep Inertia
- Sleep of Monsters
- Sleep of Reason
- Sleep On It
- Sleep Research Facility
- Sleep Terror
- Sleep Token
- Sleep Waker
- Sleeper Oh
- Sleeper X
- Sleeper,the
- Sleeping Giant
- Sleeping Gods
- Sleeping Romance
- Sleeping with Sirens
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
- Sleeze Beez
- Sleight of Hand
- Slidhr
- Slik Toxik
- Slimelord
- Slipknot
- Slit Your Gods
- Slithering Decay
- Sliver
- Slob
- Sloman,John
- Slomatics
- Slomosa
- Slot
- Sloth
- Sloth Frenzy
- Slow
- Slow Children
- Slow Club
- Slow Crush
- Slow Death
- Slow Electric
- Slow Fall
- Slow Horse
- Slow Intentional Damage
- Slow Kids Playing
- Slow Order
- Slow Season
- Slow Train
- Slower
- Slowly Rotten
- Slowmotion Apocalypse
- Sludge
- Slug Gore
- Slug Guts
- Slug Lord
- Slugathor
- Slugdge
- Slumber
- Slumlord Philadelphia
- Sluts Of Trust
- Smackbound
- Smalls, Derek
- Smash Atoms
- Smash Hit Combo
- Smashed Gladys
- Smashing Pumpkins
- Smashing Pumpkins, the
- Smile Empty Soul
- Smile Empty Soul^Smile Empty Soul
- Smith,Gideon & the Dixie Damned
- Smoking Hut On Stones
- Smoking Snakes
- Smolski,Victor
- Smorrah
- Smoulder
- Smouldering in Forgotten
- Snafu
- Snake Bite Love
- Snake Head Ritual
- Snake River Conspiracy
- Snakecharmer
- Snakecharmers, the
- Snakes in Paradise
- Snakeskin
- Snakeskin Angels
- Snakeskin God
- Snapcase
- Snet
- Snider, Dee
- Snider, Dee's S.M.F.S.
- Snipers of Babel
- Snog
- Snot
- Snow Burial
- Snow White Blood
- Snow White's Poison Bite
- Snowy White & The White Flames
- Snubnose
- So Hideous
- So I Had to Shoot Him
- So Much for Nothing
- Social Antidote
- Social Combat
- Social Crash
- Social Disorder
- Social Scream
- Social Unrest
- Society 1
- Society Burning
- Society S Finest
- Society's Finest
- Sodom
- Sodomisery
- Sodomizer
- Soen
- Sofa King Killer
- Soft Cell
- Soft Kill
- Soft Machine
- Soft Target
- Soho Violet
- SOiL
- Soil & Eclipse
- Soil Bleeds Black
- Soil Bleeds Black, the
- Soilent Green
- Soils of Fate
- Soilwork
- Sojourner
- Soko Friedhof
- Sokoninaru
- Sol An Varma
- Sol Axis
- Sol Invictus
- Solace
- Solace & Solarized
- Solace in Black
- Solace in Exile
- Solace of Requiem
- Solamors
- Solar Dawn
- Solar Fragment
- Solar Halos
- Solar Junkies
- Solar Temple
- Solar Temple & Dead Neanderthals
- Solarized
- Solbrud
- Soldati
- Sole Remedy
- Sole Syndicate
- Soledriver
- Solefald
- Solemn Ceremony
- Solemnity
- Sölicitör
- Solicitors
- Solitaire
- Solitary
- Solitary Sabred
- Solitude Aeternus
- Solitude Aeturnus
- Sollen
- Solothus
- Sólstafir
- Solstice
- Solstitium
- Solus Deus
- Solution .45
- Solution 13
- Somali Yacht Club
- Somber Serenity
- Some Evil Answers
- Some Girls
- Some Hate Will Last
- Somnolent
- Somnuri
- Somnus Throne
- Son of a Bitch
- Son of a Gun
- Son of a Witch
- Son of Aurelius
- Son of Axe
- Son of Sam
- Son of Sorrow
- Son of the Velvet Rat
- Son Volt
- Son-Dha
- Sonata Arctica
- Song of Zarathustra
- Songs of the Exile (S.O.T.E.)
- Sonic Cathedral
- Sonic Debris
- Sonic Dogma
- Sonic Haven
- Sonic Mayhem
- Sonic Prophecy
- Sonic Reign
- Sonic Seduction
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonic Universe
- Sonic Violence
- Sonic X
- Sonic Youth (O.S.T.)
- Sonic's Rendezvous
- Sonic's Rendezvous Band
- Sonne Adam
- Sons of a Wanted Man
- Sons of Aeon
- Sons of Angels
- Sons of Apollo
- Sons of Azrael
- Sons of Balaur
- Sons of Bill
- Sons of Black Mass
- Sons of Crom
- Sons of Cult
- Sons of Disgrace
- Sons of Eternity
- Sons of Lazareth
- Sons of Liberty
- Sons of Mars
- Sons of Otis
- Sons of Ra
- Sons of Seasons
- Sons of Slaughter
- Sons of Sounds
- Sons of Texas
- Soothsayer
- Sopor Aeternus
- Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble
- Sorathian Dawn
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer's Spell
- Sorcery
- Sorcery (Usa)
- Sordid Flesh
- Sore Throat
- Soreption
- Sorhin
- Soror Dolorosa
- Sorority Noise
- Sorrow
- Sorrowful Angels
- Sorrowful Winds
- Sorrows Path
- Sortilège
- Sortilegia
- Sotajumala
- Soto, Jeff Scott
- Soul Aggression
- Soul Asylum
- Soul Cages
- Soul Cycle
- Soul Demise
- Soul Descenders
- Soul Destroyer
- Soul Embraced
- Soul Fight
- Soul Forsaken
- Soul Grind
- Soul Grinder
- Soul Massacre
- Soul of Darkness
- Soul of Steel
- Soul Sacrifice
- Soul Sanctuary
- Soul Secret
- Soul Vigilantes
- Soulbound
- Soulbound Riders
- Soulbreaker Company,the
- Soulbreed
- Soulburn
- Soulcage
- Soulfallen
- Soulfly
- Soulgate's Dawn
- Soulline
- Soulpreacher
- Souls at Zero
- Souls of Redemption
- Souls of the Afterlife
- Souls Unrest
- Souls Unrest,the
- Soulspell Metal Opera
- Soulstorm
- Sound Barrier
- Sound Horizon
- Sound of Animals Fighting
- Sound of Animals Fighting,the
- Sound of Urchin
- Sound Storm
- Soundgarden
- Sounds Like Violence
- Source of Rage
- Source of Tide
- Sources of I
- South Bronx Paradise
- Souther,J.d.
- Southern Cross
- Southern Gun Culture & Super H
- Southern Whiskey Rebellion
- SouthGang
- Souvenir S Young America
- Souvenir's Young America
- Sovereign
- Sovereign Child
- Sovereign Strength
- Soviet Soviet
- Soyuz Bear
- Soziedad Alkoholika
- Space Chaser
- Space Daze
- Space Eater
- Space Elevator
- Space Mirrors
- Space of Variation
- Space of Variations
- Space Parasites
- Spaghetti Blacc
- Spahn Ranch
- Spanish Bombs
- Sparkle in Grey
- Sparks/Faith No More
- Sparrer, Cock
- Sparta
- Sparta(Ex-At The Drive In)
- Spartan Warrior
- Sparzanza
- Spasm
- Spasme
- Spastic Ink
- Spastik Children
- Spawn
- Spawn Atomic
- Spawn of Possession
- Speak No Evil
- Speakers for the Dead
- Speaking To Stones
- Spear of Destiny
- Specimen
- Speckmann Project
- Spectra Paris
- Spectral Mortuary
- Spectral Souls
- Spectral Voice
- Spectral Wound
- Spectre Dragon
- Spectrum Mortis
- Speed
- Speed Kill Hate
- Speed Limit
- Speed Queen
- Speed Stroke
- Speed Theory
- Speed-Id
- Speed,Chris Trio
- Speedbottles
- Speedealer
- Speedwhore
- Speedy
- Speedy Gonzales
- Speedy Ortiz
- Speeed
- Spektr
- Spektra
- Spell
- Spellbook
- Spellbound
- Spellbound Dazzle
- Spellcaster
- Spetälsk
- Spf 1000
- Sphere of Souls
- Spheric Universe Experience
- Spheron
- Sphinx
- Spi-Ritual
- Spice and the RJ Band
- Spider
- Spider Crew
- Spider Kickers
- Spider Kitten
- Spider Lilies
- Spider Murphy Gang
- Spider Rockets
- Spiders
- Spiders & Snakes
- Spiders from Mars
- Spielbann
- Spinal Cord
- Spinal Tap
- Spindle Sect, the
- Spineshank
- Spiral Architect
- Spiral Grave
- Spiral Skies
- Spiral Tower
- Spire
- Spirit
- Spirit Adrift
- Spirit Caravan
- Spirit Corpse
- Spirit Descent
- Spirit Lives On-music Of
- Spirit of Rebelion
- Spirit Of Rebellion
- Spirit of the Future Sun
- Spirit of the West
- Spirit of Versailles
- Spirit Possession
- Spirit Web
- Spiritbox
- Spirits Burning & Michael Moorcock
- Spirits of Fire
- Spiritual Bat
- Spiritual Bat,the
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spiritual Front
- Spiritualized
- Spiritus Morti
- Spiritus Mortis
- Spiritworld
- Spiro,Mark
- Spit Can
- Spit for Athena
- Spit Like This
- Spit of Hate
- Spite
- Spite Extreme Wing
- Spiter
- Spitfire
- Spitfire (USA)
- Spitfire Mkiii
- Spın̈al Tap
- Spk
- Splendidula
- Splinter
- Splintered Throne
- Split Cranium
- Split Heaven
- Split Second
- Split Torso Trauma
- Split Your Guts
- Splitter
- Spock's Beard
- Spoken
- Spooky Tooth
- Spread Eagle
- Spreading Dread
- Spring Autumn
- Spudmonsters
- Squackett
- Squealer
- Squirrel Cage
- St. Valentines Massacre
- St.Moren,Tore
- Stabbing
- Stabbing Westward
- Stabbings
- Stackridge
- Stage Dolls
- Stage Two
- Stagewar
- Stahlhammer
- Stahlmann
- Staind
- Stainless Steel
- Stälker
- Stam1na
- Stampede
- Stampede Queen
- Stan Silver and the Brave Puppies
- Stand United
- Stands With Fists
- Stapp Scott
- Stapp, Scott
- Star Fighter
- Star Industry
- Star One
- Star Queen
- Starblind
- Starbreaker
- Starbynary
- Starchaser
- Starchild
- Stardust
- Stardust Reverie
- Starfighters
- Stargazer
- Stargazer's Assistant
- Stargazer's Assistant,the
- Stargazery
- Starkill
- Starkweather
- Starkweather / Concealment
- Starmen
- Starquake
- Starr,Jack
- Stars & Flights
- Stars Are Falling & Skylines
- Stars That Move
- Starset
- Start Trouble
- Starz
- Stass
- State Craft
- State Line Empire
- State of Conviction
- State of East London
- State of Integrity
- Statement
- Static Abyss
- Static Lullaby
- Static-X
- Status Minor
- Status Quo
- Stavesacre
- Steak Number Eight
- Steal Your Crown
- Steamroller Assault
- Steel Aggressor
- Steel Angel
- Steel Assassin
- Steel Attack
- Steel Dawn
- Steel Death
- Steel Engraved
- Steel Inferno
- Steel Night
- Steel Panther
- Steel Pole Bath Tub
- Steel Prophet
- Steel Pulse
- Steel Raiser
- Steel Reign
- Steel Rhino
- Steel Rules Die
- Steel Seal
- Steel Vengeance
- Steel Warrior
- Steele,Sally
- Steeler
- Steelheart
- Steelpreacher
- Steelwing
- Steelwings
- Steely Dan
- Steensland, Simon
- Stefan Elmgren's Full Strike
- Steinkind
- Stellar Circuits
- Stellar Master Elite
- Stench Pungent
- Stepfather Fred
- Stéphan Forté
- Stephen [Ratt] Pearcy
- Stephen Pearcy
- Steppenwolf
- Steppenwolf & John Kay
- Stepson
- Stereo Juggernaut
- Stereo.Pilot
- Stereomud
- Sternenstaub
- Steve Conte
- Steve Fister
- Steve Fister Band
- Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper
- Steve Hackett
- Steve Jones
- Steve Nelson
- Steve Rotter
- Steve Vai
- Steve Versus the Volcano
- Steve Von Till
- Steve Von Till [Neurosis]
- Steve Walsh
- Steven Wilson
- Stevie d. Ft. Cory Glover
- Stevie McLaughlin
- Stevie R.Pearce & the Hooligans
- Stewart Rod
- Stewart, Rod
- Stewart, Rod & the Faces
- Stick to Your Guns
- Stiff Valentine
- Stigma
- Stigma Diabolicum
- Stigmata
- Stigmata IV
- Stigmatized
- Still Breathing
- Still it Cries
- Still Patient?
- Still Remains
- Stillbirth
- Stillbirth Machine
- Stitched Up Heart
- Stockholm Stoner
- Stolen Babies
- Stolen Mirror
- Stolen Mirrors
- Stompcrash
- Stompcrash, the
- Stompcrash,the
- Stone
- Stone Axe
- Stone Broken
- Stone Cold Black
- Stone Fury
- Stone Garden
- Stone Glory
- Stone Gods
- Stone Horns
- Stone Lake
- Stone Leaders
- Stone Machine
- Stone Machine Electric
- Stone Soup
- Stone Sour
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Stone the Crow
- Stone the Crows
- Stone to Flesh
- Stone Vengeance
- Stoned Jesus
- Stonegard
- Stonehenge
- Stonem
- Stoneman
- Stonemiller Inc.
- Stöner
- Stoner King
- Stoner Kings
- Stonewall Noise
- Stonewall Noise Orchestra
- Stooges
- Stooges,the
- Storhet Av Morke
- Stories Through Storms
- Storm
- Storm at Sunrise
- Storm Beneath
- Storm Boy
- Storm Breeder
- Storm Crow
- Storm Hammer
- Storm of Light
- Storm Resistant
- Storm Seeker
- Storm the Sky
- Storm Warrior
- Storm, Birk
- Storm, the
- Storm,Birk
- Storm{O}
- Stormage
- Stormbringer
- Stormburst
- Stormcast
- Stormcrow/Mass Grave
- Stormfagel
- StormHammer
- Stormhaven
- Stormhunter
- Storming Heaven
- Stormkeep
- Stormlord
- Stormruler
- Stormtroop 16
- Stormtroopers of Death
- Stormwarrior
- Stormwind
- Stormwitch
- Stormwolf
- Stormzone
- Stortregn
- Story of Jade
- Story of the Year
- Storyteller
- Storyteller, the
- Stovokor
- Straight from Hell
- Straight Jacket Theory
- Straight Line Stitch
- Straight on Target
- Straight Shooter
- Straight Terror
- Strand of Oaks
- Strange Horizon
- Strange New Dawn
- Stranger Aeons
- Stranger at the Gate
- Strangle Wire
- Stranglers
- Stranglers, the
- Strapping Young Lad
- Stratovarius
- Strauss,Nita
- Stravaganzza
- Strawberry Girls
- Stray
- Stray Bullets
- Stray Bullit
- Stray Cats
- Stray from the Path
- Stray Gods
- Stray Rebel Bullet
- Stream of Passion
- Streams of Blood
- Street Fighter
- Street Justice
- Street Lethal
- Streetlight
- Streetwalkin' Cheetahs, The
- Streetwalkin' Cheetahs,the
- Strengthen What Remains
- Stress Angel
- Stribog
- Striborg
- Strid
- Stride
- Strider
- Strife
- Strigoi
- Strik-9
- Strike
- Strike Anywhere
- Strike Force
- Strike Master
- Strike Out
- Strike Twice
- Strikeforce Diablo
- Striker
- Strings Of Mass Destruction
- Ström
- Strongarm
- Structure Fails
- Structure of Lies
- Structures
- Struggle & Sleep
- Struggle Within
- Strychnos
- Strydegor
- Stryken
- Stryper
- Stuck Mojo
- Stunde Null
- Sturm und Drang
- Sturmgeist
- Stygian Crown
- Styx
- Suaves
- Suaves, Los
- Sub Dub Micromachine
- Sub-Urban Tribe
- Subconscious
- Subject 16
- Subliminal Crusher
- Subliminal Fear
- Subliritum
- Submission
- Submission Hold
- Suborbital
- Subrosa
- Subsignal
- Subsonic Fallout
- Substance for God
- Subterranean Masquerade
- Subterranean Vision Serpent
- Subtle Machete
- Suburban Savages
- Suburban Tribe
- Subway to Sally
- Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky
- Succour
- Succumb
- Suck
- Suck Stuff
- Sudden Darkness
- Sudden Death
- Sudden Infant
- Sudden Loss
- Suffer in Silence
- Suffer Under Sorrow
- Suffering Hour
- Suffering Souls
- Suffocate For Fuck Sake
- Suffocation
- Suffocation of Soul
- Suffokate
- Sugar Ray
- Sugar Virus
- Sugarman 3
- Sühnopfer
- Suicidal Angels
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicidal Winds
- Suicidal Wings
- Suicide Ali
- Suicide Circle
- Suicide Commando
- Suicide Forest
- Suicide Girls
- Suicide of Society
- Suicide Queen
- Suicide Silence
- Suicide Watch
- Suidakra
- Suishou No Fune
- Suitable Case Treatment
- Suldusk
- Sulferon
- Sulpher
- Sulphur Aeon
- Sulphurous
- Sum 41
- Suma
- Sumac
- Sumac & Moor Mother
- Sumerian Tombs
- Sumerlands
- Summer Storm
- Summery Mind
- Summon
- Summon the Crows
- Summon the Elders
- Summoner
- Summoner Circle
- Summoner's Circle
- Summoning
- Summoning Saturn Voids
- Summoning the Lich
- Sumo Cyco
- Sun Caged
- Sun Descends
- Sun Electric
- Sun God Replica
- Sun of Grey
- Sun of Sadness
- Sun of the Dying
- Sun of the Endless Night
- Sun Of The Sleepless & Nachtmahr
- Sun Voyager
- Sun Worship
- Sunbomb
- Sunburned Circle
- Sunburst
- Sündenklang
- Sündenrausch
- Sundrifter
- Sunfall
- Sunflower Dead
- Sunk Loto
- Sunken
- Sunlight's Bane
- Sunn O)))
- Sunn O))) & Boris
- Sunroad
- Suns of Stone
- Suns Owl
- Sunstorm
- Sunterra
- Sunvher
- Suotana
- Sup
- Supe
- Super 8 Bit Brothers
- Super Bob
- Super Cayor
- Super Cayor de Dakar
- Super Fudge Chunk
- Super Furry Animals
- Super Geek League
- Super Guitar Trio
- Super Heroines
- Super Transatlantic
- Super Vintage
- Superbutt
- Superior
- Superjoint Ritual
- Supernaughty
- Supernova Plasmajets
- Superstatic Revelation
- Superstition
- Supersuckers
- Supreme Carnage
- Supreme Khaos Rising
- Supreme Majesty
- Supreme Pain
- Supuration
- Sur Austru
- Surf Punks from Hell
- Surface
- Surface Of The Sun
- Surgical Strike
- Surgically Enhanced Cadaver
- Surma
- Surrealist
- Surrender of Divinity
- Surrender the Crown
- Surturs Lohe
- Survivor
- Survivors Zero
- Susan Acid
- Susperia
- Suspyre
- Sutekh Hexen
- Suzanne Vega
- Suzi Quatro
- Suzie Beats Them All
- Svalbard
- Svart Crown
- Svartahrid
- Svartidaudi
- Svartkonst
- Svartnar
- Svartsinn
- Svartsot
- Svartsyn
- Svarttjern
- Svffer
- Sw1tched
- Swallow the Sun
- Swallowing the Weak
- Swamp Devil
- Swamp Terrorists
- Swano, Dan
- Swanö,Dan
- Swansong
- Swarm of the Lotus
- Swashbuckle
- Sweeping Death
- Sweet
- Sweet & Lynch
- Sweet Apple
- Sweet Cheater
- Sweet Cobra
- Sweet Eagle
- Sweet Ermengarde
- Sweet F.A.
- Sweet Freedom
- Sweet Gum Tree
- Sweet Jesus
- Sweet Justice
- Sweet Lizzy Project
- Sweet Mary Jane
- Sweet Oblivion
- Sweet Savage
- Sweet Silence
- Sweet Sister
- Sweet Sister Pain
- Sweet Smoke
- Sweet Sorrow
- Sweet Sybil
- Sweet the
- Sweet Water
- Sweet Water Women
- Sweet, the
- Sweet,Matthew
- Sweet,Michael
- Sweven
- Swingin' Bitch
- Switchblade
- Switchblade Glory
- Switchblade Justice
- Switchblade Romance
- Switchblade Symphony
- Switched
- Switchpin
- Sword
- Sword of Darkness
- Sword, the
- Swords of Chaos
- Swords of Fatima
- Sworn
- Sworn Amongst
- Sworn Enemy
- Sworn In
- Sworn Vengeance
- Sybreed
- Sycamore Grove
- Sycronomica
- Sygnal to Noise
- Syk
- Sykes
- Sykes,John
- Sylent Storm
- Sylosis
- Sylvain Sylvain
- Sylvain,Sylvain
- Sylvaine
- Sylvan
- Sylvan Awe
- Sylvan,Nad
- Symbiontic
- Symbol of Blasphemy
- Symbolic
- Symfonia
- Symon, Jon -Warlock-
- Symon, Jon / Warlok
- Sympathy
- Sympathy for Nothing
- Symphonia
- Symphony in Peril
- Symphony of Grief
- Symphony X
- Symphorce
- Syn Ze Sase Tri
- Synestia
- Syning
- Synlakross
- Synonyms of Torment
- Synthattack
- Synthetic Breed
- Syqem
- Syrach
- Syris
- System of a Down
- System Shock
- Systematic
- Systematic Death
- Systematic Eradication
- Systemhouse33