- A Band Called Horse
- A Band Called Pain
- A Breach of Silence
- A Breath Before Surfacing
- A Bullet for Pretty Boy
- A Certain Ratio
- A Chance at Revenge
- A Cloud of Ravens
- A Crime of Passion
- A Day of Pigs
- A Day to Remember
- A Death for Every Sin
- A Different Breed of Killer
- A Dozen Furies
- A Feast for Kings
- A Firm Handshake
- A Forest of Stars
- A Girl a Gun a Ghost
- A Girl, a Gun, a Ghost
- A Gruesome Find
- A Guy Named Z
- A Hill to Die Upon
- A Hope for Home
- A II Z
- A Killer's Confession
- A Life (Divided)
- A Life Divided
- A Life Once Lost
- A Love Ends Suicide
- A M S G
- A Mirror Hollow
- A New Revenge
- A Night In Texas
- A Pale December
- A Pale Horse Named Death
- A Past Unknown
- A Perfect Circle
- A Perfect Murder
- A Plea for Purging
- A Portrait of Flesh & Blood
- A Portrait Of Flesh And Blood
- A Rising Force
- A Sailors Grave
- A Second From The Surface
- A Secret Death
- A Secret Revealed
- A Sound of Thunder
- A Split Second
- A Static Lullaby
- A Storm of Light
- A Tear Frozen Red
- A Textbook Tragedy
- A Thousand Knives of Fire
- A Thousand Times Repent
- A Traitor Like Judas
- A Trust Unclean
- A Vision Grotesque
- A Wake in Providence
- A Well Thought Tragedy
- A Whisper in the Noise
- A Will Away
- A World of Silence
- A-Z
- A.C.T
- A.F.S.
- A.M.E.N.
- A.M.S.G.
- A.N.I.M.A.L.
- A.N.S
- A.O.K.
- A.R.G.
- A.R.T.
- A.X.E. Project
- A.Z.R.O.
- Aara
- Aardvark
- Aarni
- Aaron, Lee
- Aaron,Lee
- Aaron,Lee & Swinging Barflies
- Aarons Agony
- Aaskereia
- Abaddon Incarnate
- Abandon
- Abandon All Hope
- Abandon All Ships
- Abandon Hope
- Abandoned
- Abandoned By Bears
- Abandoned Hearts Club
- Abandoned Souls
- Abattoir
- Abatuar
- Abbas Taeter
- Abbath
- Abbey,the
- Abgott
- Abhorned Brood
- Abhorrence
- Abigail
- Abigail / Nekrofilth
- Abigail Williams
- Abigail's Affair
- Abigail's Mercy
- Abigor
- Abiogenesis
- Abiotic
- Abismo Nuclear
- Ablaze in Hatred
- Ablaze My Sorrow
- Abnormal End
- Abnormal Thought Patterns
- Abnormality
- Abolish
- Abominable Iron Sloth
- Abominable Iron Sloth,the
- Abominable Putridity
- Abomination
- Abominator
- Abonos
- Aborted
- Aborted Christ Denied
- Aborted Fetus
- Abortus
- Aborym
- About Abortions
- About Us
- Above Aurora
- Above Symmetry
- Above Them
- Abraded
- Abrahma
- Abralemin
- Abramelin
- Abrasive Wheels
- Abraxas
- Abrogation
- Abruptum
- Abscess
- Absence
- Absence of Damien
- Absence of Mind
- Absence of the Sacred
- Absence, The
- Absence,the
- Absent in Body
- Absolut Null Punkt
- Absolute Darkness
- Absolute Defiance
- Absolute Grief
- Absolute Terror Field
- Absolutely Free
- Abstract Essence
- Abstract Rapture
- Abstract The Light
- Abstract Void
- Abstracter
- Abstrakt Algebra
- Absu
- Abuse
- Abuse Ment Park
- Abuse Ritual
- Abused Majesty
- Abuser
- Abydos
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abysmal Grief
- Abysmal Growls of Despair
- Abysmal Lord
- Abysmal Torment
- Abyss
- Abyss in Hel
- Abyss of Pain
- Abyss, the
- Abyssal
- Abyssphere
- Acausal Intrusion
- Accept
- Accept & Quiet Riot
- Accidental Suicide
- Accu§er
- Accursed Spawn
- Accüsed
- Accused a.d.,the
- Accuser
- Ace Augustine
- Ace Frehley
- Ace of Spades
- Acephalix
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- Acherontas / Nightbringer
- Acid
- Acid Ape
- Acid Baby Jesus
- Acid Baby Jeus
- Acid Bath
- Acid Death
- Acid Drinkers
- Acid Horse
- Acid House Kings
- Acid King
- Acid Mammoth
- Acid Mothers Temple
- Acid Queen
- Acid Reign
- Acid Storm
- Acid Test
- Acid Witch
- Aclys
- Acod
- Acprjct
- Acrania
- Acranius
- Acrassicauda
- Acretongue
- Acridity
- Acrimonious
- Acrimony
- Acrophet
- Across Five Aprils
- Across the Border
- Across The Burning Sky
- Across the Sun
- Across Tundras
- Acrostichon
- Act of Creation
- Act of Defiance
- Act of Denial
- Act of Gods
- Act of Violence
- Acumen Nation
- Acylum
- Ad Inferna
- Ad Infinitum
- Ad Vitam Aeternam
- Adagio
- Adam and the Hellcats
- Adam Bomb
- Adam Drew
- Adam Kills Eve
- Adam-X
- Adam's Revenge
- Adamantis
- Adas
- Addictive
- Ade
- Adele
- Adema
- Adept
- Adiant
- Admiral Angry
- Admiral Browning
- Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell
- Admonish
- Adoperta Tenebris
- Adoration
- Adoration Destroyed
- Adorior
- Adorned Brood
- Adramelch
- Adramelech
- Adrenalin O.D.
- Adrenaline Mob
- Adrenaline Rush
- Adrian Belew [King Crimson]
- Adrian Benegas
- Adrian Brew
- Adrift
- Advent
- Advent Horizon
- Advent of Bedlam
- Advent of Fire
- Advent Sorrow
- Adversam
- Adversarial
- Adversus
- Advocatus Diaboli
- Aeba
- Aeges
- Aenigmatum
- Aenima
- Aeolian
- Aeon
- Aeon Gods
- Aeon of Fear
- Aeon Sable
- Aeon Spoke
- Aeon Winds
- Aeon Zen
- Aeons
- Aeons Confer
- Aeons of Ashes
- Aeons of Eclipse
- Aephanemer
- Äera
- Aerosmith
- Aes Dana
- Aesma Daeva
- Aesmah
- Aesthetic Perfection
- Aeternam
- Aeternus
- Aeternus Prophet
- Aether Void
- Aetherea
- Aethernaeum
- Aethon
- Aeturnus Dominion
- Aeverium
- Affiance
- Afflicted
- Afgrund
- Afraid of Destiny
- Afsky
- After All
- After Forever
- After Lapse
- After Midnight Project
- After Oblivion
- After Taste
- After the Burial
- After the Fallout
- After the Minor
- Afterlife
- Aftermath
- Aftermath of a Trainwreck
- Against Evil
- Against Nature
- Against the Wall
- Against Their Will
- Agalloch
- Agarthic
- Agathocles
- Agathodaimon
- Agatus
- Age Of Arthemis
- Age of Distrust
- Age of Evil
- Age of Nemesis
- Age of Rebellion
- Age Of Reflection
- Age of Ruin
- Age of Silence
- Age of Torment
- Age Of Woe
- Age Of Wolves
- Ageless Summoning
- Agent Steel
- Agents of Man
- Agents of Oblivion
- Agents of Revelation
- Ages
- Aggression
- Aggression Core
- Aggressive Perfector
- Aggressive Tyrants
- Aghast
- Aghast Afterglow
- Aghast View
- Aghora
- Agiel
- Agitation Free
- Agnostic Front
- Agonizer
- Agonoize
- Agony
- Agony Column
- Agony Face
- Agony Lords
- Agony of Doubt
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Converge
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed & Converge
- Agraceful
- Agressor
- Agrimonia
- Agrypnie
- Ahab
- Ahnengrab
- Ahnenkult
- Ahumado Granujo
- Ai Muro
- Aidan Baker
- Aidan Baker & Tomas Järmyr
- Aiden
- Aiden/Stalins War
- Aim for the Sunrise
- Ain't Dead Yet
- Aina
- Aion
- Airbourne
- Airdash
- Airey, Don
- Airforce
- Airlines of Terror
- Aiwaz
- Aj Holmes & the Hackney Empire
- Ajattara
- Ajay Mathur
- Akatharta
- Akephalos
- Akercocke
- Akhlys
- Akrea
- Akt und Ton
- Al Ard
- Al Borde
- Al Namrood
- Al'Maculate Conception
- Al'Tyr
- Alabama Thunderpussy
- Alakrán
- Alan Daveys Psychedelic Warlords
- Alan Vega
- Alarum
- Alasteth
- Alastis
- Alastor
- Alastor (Poland)
- Alberta Cross
- Albez Duz
- Alboth!
- Alcatrazz
- Alcatrazz, Graham Bonnet
- Alcatrazz,Graham Bonnet
- Alcest
- Alchemist
- Alchemist Corpse Rite
- Alchemists
- Alchemy X
- Alcoholik Spok
- Alda
- Alder,Ray
- Aldious
- Alec Empire
- Aleister
- Alejandro Silva
- Alesana
- Alestorm
- Aletheian
- Alex from Hell
- Alex North & Graunke Symphony
- Alexander, Willie Loco & the Confessions
- Alexisonfire
- Aleynmord
- Alfahanne
- Alghazanth
- Alias
- Alias Eye
- Aliases
- Alice Cooper
- Alice in Chains
- Alice Merton
- Alien
- Alien Ant Farm
- Alien Blakk
- Alien Boys
- Alien Force
- Alien In The Land Of Our Birth
- Alien Sex Fiend
- Alien Syndrome 777
- Alien to the System
- Alien Vampires
- Alien Weaponry
- Aliens Ate My Setlist
- Alio die
- Alirio
- Alive Down South
- Alkaline Trio
- Alkaloid
- Alkatrazz
- Alkbottle
- Alkoholizer
- Alkonost
- Alkymist
- All But One
- All Dogmas We Hate
- All Ends
- All for Love
- All for Metal
- All for Nothing
- All for Revenge
- All Hallows Eve
- All Haze Red
- All Hell
- All I Know
- All Its Grace
- All Kinds Of Problem
- All Life Ends
- All Out War
- All Pigs Must Die
- All Shall die
- All Shall Perish
- All Souls & Fatso Jetson
- All That Remains
- All the Cold
- All Them Witches
- All Things Fallen
- All Time Low
- All Too Human
- All Trays for Venom
- All Will Know
- All You Can Eat
- Allan Holdsworth
- Allan Holdsworth & Jen Johans
- Allegaeon
- Allegiance
- Allehackbar
- Allele
- Allen,Daevid & Kramer
- Alleviate
- Allfader
- Allie's Mass
- Allied Forces
- Allin,Gg
- Allison
- Allison Moorer
- Allison Weiss
- Allison, Dot
- Allman Brothers Band, the
- Allochiria
- Allseits
- Allt
- Alluvial
- Almafuerte
- Almah
- Almanac
- Almighty
- Almighty & Kd Ranks
- Almighty Dog
- Almighty Grind
- Almighty Grind, The
- Almighty Punchdrunk,the
- Almighty, the
- Almighty,the
- Almora
- Almost Dead
- Almost Human
- Almyrkvi
- Alove for Enemies
- Alpha Galates
- Alpha Male Tea Party
- Alpha Structure
- Alpha Tiger
- Alpha Wolf
- Alrune Rod
- Altaar
- Altar
- Altar of Oblivion
- Altar of Plagues
- Altar of Sin
- Altar/Cartilage
- Altarage
- Altaria
- Altars
- Altars of Destruction
- Alter Bridge
- Altera Enigma
- Altered Aeon
- Altered Dead
- Alterium
- Altura
- Alunah
- Alverg
- Alvin & Ten Years After Lee
- Alvin Gibbs & The Disobedient Servants
- Alyson Hell
- Am I Blood
- Amahiru
- Amalga: Petra Metal Queen Collaborations
- Amalga:Petra Metal Queen Colla
- Amaran
- Amaran S Plight
- Amaran's Plight
- Amaranthe
- Amateur God
- Amaurot
- Amáutica
- Amazing Device
- Amber Asylum
- Amberian Dawn
- Amboog-A-Lard
- Ambrose Slade
- Amebix
- Amen
- Amen Corner
- Amenra
- America
- American Angel
- American Black Lung
- American Eagle
- American Empire
- American Epidemic
- American Head Charge
- American Me
- American Nightmare
- American Standards
- Amesoeurs
- Amestigon
- Amiensus
- Amillion Pounds
- Amity Affliction
- Amity Affliction, the
- Amken
- Amnesia
- Amon
- Amon Amarth
- Amon Din
- Amon Duul
- Amon Düül 2
- Amon Düül II
- Amon Ra
- Amon Sethis
- Among Gods
- Among Reflections
- Among the Decayed
- Among the Infected
- Among the Weeds
- Amongst the Thorns
- Amoral
- Amoricide
- Amorphis
- Amoth
- Ampex
- Amplified Hate
- Amplifier Heads
- Amputate
- Amulance
- Amyl and the Sniffers
- An Abstract Illusion
- An Ancient Legend Long Forgotten
- An Autumn for Crippled Childre
- An Autumn for Crippled Children
- An Axis of Perdition
- An Early Cascade
- An Erotic End Of Times
- An Handful of Dust
- An Ocean Between Us
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anabioz
- Anacrusis
- Anal Blasphemy
- Anal Cunt
- Anal Grind
- Anal Stench
- Anarchos
- Anarion
- Anarkhon
- Anasarca
- Anata
- Anata & Bethzaida
- Anathema
- Anathema Black
- Anatolian Wisdom
- Anatomy of I
- Ancesthor
- Ancestors
- Ancestors Blood
- Ancestral Blood
- Ancestral Dawn
- Anchorite
- Anchors & Hearts
- Ancient
- Ancient Ascendant
- Ancient Bards
- Ancient Ceremony
- Ancient Creation
- Ancient Crown
- Ancient Crypts
- Ancient Curse
- Ancient Dome
- Ancient Empire
- Ancient Existence
- Ancient Gods
- Ancient Lights
- Ancient Mastery
- Ancient Myth
- Ancient Rebirth,the
- Ancient Rites
- Ancient Settlers
- Ancient Spell
- Ancient Vvisdom
- Ancient Wisdom
- Ancients
- Ancients Rebirth, the
- Anciients
- Ancilloti
- Ancst
- And Harmony Dies
- And Hell Followed With
- And One
- And So I Watch You From Afar
- And Their Eyes Were Bloodshot
- And Then She Came
- And There Will Be Blood
- And You Will Know Us By the Tr
- Andakat
- Andavald
- Anderson, Ian & Jethro Tull
- Anderson,Ian & Jethro Tull
- Andi Deris
- Andi Deris and The Bad Bankers
- Andi Sexgang
- Andra + VIII Sins
- Andralls
- Andras
- Andre Sinner
- Andrea Bignasca
- Andreas Gross
- Andreas Kisser (Sepultura)
- Andrew Sutekh Hexen With Liles
- Andrew W.K.
- Andro Coulton (Witchfynde)
- Andromeda
- Andromeda Zoo
- Andy James
- Andy Mackay & Phil Manzanera
- Andy McCoy
- Andy Winter
- Andy Wood
- Anenzephalia
- Anesthesy
- Anette Olzon
- Anewrage
- Angantyr
- Angband
- Angel
- Angel Black
- Angel City
- Angel City Outcasts
- Angel Corpse
- Angel Crew
- Angel Disorder
- Angel Dissection
- Angel Du$t
- Angel Dust
- Angel Grinder
- Angel Heart
- Angel House
- Angel King
- Angel Martyr
- Angel Nation
- Angel Of Damnation
- Angel of Eden
- Angel Rising
- Angel Rot
- Angel Steel
- Angel Sword
- Angel Vengeance
- Angel Vivaldi
- Angel Witch
- Angela Martyr
- Angelcorpse
- Angelcrypt
- Angeles
- Ángeles del Infierno
- Angelic Forces
- Angelic Process
- Angelic Upstarts
- Angellore
- AngelMaker
- Angelo Perlepes' Mystery
- Angels
- Angels & Agony
- Angels and Airwaves
- Angels and Enemies
- Angels Beneath Me
- Angels Grace
- Angels in Vein
- Angels Of Babylon
- Angels of the Apocalypse
- Angels or Kings
- Angelspit
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angelwings
- Angelzoom
- Anger Mgmt
- Angie and the Car Wrecks
- Angizia
- Angkor Wat
- Angra
- Angry Hand of God
- Angry Jeff / Engine Troublers
- Angstskrig
- Angtoria
- Angus Mcsix
- Anihilated
- Anima
- Anima Damnata
- Anima Morte
- Anima Mundi
- Anima Nostra
- Animae Silentes
- Animal
- Animal Alpha
- Animal Bag
- Animal Chin
- Animal Drive
- Animal Hate
- Animal House
- Animal Kingdom
- Animal Man Machine
- Animale
- Animals as Leaders
- Animals,the
- Animate Invent
- Animosity
- Ankla
- Annexation
- Annexed Asylum
- Annie Sails Sorrow
- Annihilator
- Annisokay
- Annotations of an Autopsy
- Annunaki
- Annwn
- Anomalía
- Anomalie
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Another Destiny Project
- Another Messiah
- Answer
- Answer Code Request
- Answer for Everything
- Answer Lies in the Black Void
- Answer Lies in the Black Void,the
- Answer, the
- Answer,the
- Antaeus
- Antagonism
- Antagonism / Devastator / Slowly Suffering
- Antagonism / Sepolcral
- Antagonism-Sepolcral
- Antagonizers & Main Street Saints
- Antares Predator
- Ante-Inferno
- Änterbila
- Anterior
- Antestor
- Anthares
- Anthem
- Anthem Eighty Eight
- Anthem for a Massacre
- Anthony Phillips
- Anthrax
- Anthropophagus Depravity
- Anti Tank Nun
- Anti Vigilante
- Anti-Mortem
- Anti-Vigilante
- Antichrisis
- Antichrist
- Antichrist Hooligans
- Antichrist Imerium, the
- Antichrist Imperium
- Antichrist Imperium,the
- Antichrist Siege Machine
- Antidemon
- Antidote
- Antigama
- Antigone Rising
- Antigone's Fate
- Antimatter
- Antiquus
- Antiquus Scriptum
- Antisect
- Antler
- Antlers
- Antropomorphia
- Antzaat
- Anubian Lights
- Anubis Gate
- Anubis Spire
- Anvil
- Anvil Bitch
- Anvil Chorus
- Anvil of Doom
- Anwynn
- Any Given Day
- Anyone's Daughter
- Anzillu
- Aoryst
- Aosoth
- Apallic
- Apartment
- Apartment 213
- Apartment 26
- Apati
- Apep
- Apes Pigs & Spacemen
- Apes, Pigs & Spacemen
- Apes, Pigs and Spacemen
- Aphasia
- Aphonic Threnody
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Command
- Apocalypse Now
- Apocalypse Orchestra
- Apocalypse Theatre
- Apocalyptic Witchcraft
- Apocalyptica
- Apocrypha
- Apocryphal
- Apocryphal Voice
- Apocryphus
- Apokalyptic Raids
- Apokrypha
- Apokryphus
- Apolion's Genocide
- Apollo's Resurrection
- Apollyon Sun
- Apologies, I Have None
- Apophis
- Apophys
- Apoptygma Berzerk
- Apostasy
- Apostle of Solitude
- Apotheosis
- Apparition
- Appearance of Nothing
- Appice
- Appice, Carmine -& Fernando Perdomo-
- Appice,Carmine Project
- Applaud the Impaler
- Apple of the Bitch
- April Art
- April Wine
- Apsû
- AqME
- Aqua Nebula Oscillator
- Aquaria
- Arachnes
- Arafel
- Aragorn
- Arakain
- Arallu
- Arathorn
- Arbitrator
- Arborescence of Wrath
- Arc Angel
- Arc Angels
- Arc Reactor
- Arcana 13
- Arcana Coelestia
- Arcana Kings
- Arcana Obscura
- Arcana Xxii
- Arcane
- Arcane Art
- Arcane Dimension
- Arcane Dread
- Arcane Grail
- Arcane Order,the
- Arcane Sun
- Arcanus Tenebrae (Hell)
- Arch / Matheos
- Arch Enemy
- Arch Rival
- Arch,John
- Archaic torse
- Arche
- Archeon
- Archeons
- Archer Nation
- Archetypes Collide
- Archgoat
- Architect
- Architect of Dissonance
- Architect of Seth
- Architects
- Architects of Chaoz
- Architectural Genocide
- Architecture of Aggression
- Archon Angel
- Archon Satani
- Archspire
- Arckanum
- Arctic Flame
- Arctic Frost
- Arctic Sea Survivors
- Arctic Sleep
- Arctic Void
- Arctis
- Arctos
- Arctos / Sinira
- Arcturus
- Arcturus And The Deception Circus
- Ard
- Ardours
- Area
- Area 11
- Area 51
- Area 54
- Area 62
- Arena
- Arena Sweden
- Ares Kingdom
- Argyle Park
- Ari Benjamin Meyers
- Ari Koivunen With Amoral
- Aries Descendant
- Arija
- Arion
- Aris
- Arise
- Arise and Ruin
- Arise from Oblivion
- Arise Horror
- Arise in Chaos
- Arisen from Nothing
- Arises
- Arjen Anthony Lucassen's Star One
- Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution
- Ark
- Ark of the Covenant
- Ark Storm
- Arkaea
- Arkaik
- Arkana Code
- Arkángel
- Arkham Witch
- Arkham Witch & Beer And Bullet Belts
- Arkhon Infaustus
- Arkona
- Arkuum
- Arleen Auger
- Arlen Roth
- Arma Gathas
- Armagedda
- Armageddon
- Armageddon [Swedish Metal]
- Armageddon 3
- Armageddon Death Squad
- Armageddon Dildos
- Armageddon Holocaust
- Armageddon Rev.16:16
- Armagh
- Armed for Apocalypse
- Armed Forces
- Armor for Sleep
- Armored Assault
- Armored Dawn
- Armored Saint
- Armory
- Armoured Angel
- Armoured Knights
- Armoured Saint
- Army of In Between
- Army Rising
- Arraigo
- Arrayan Path
- Arrival
- Arrival of Autumn
- Arrival of Satan,the
- Arroganz
- Ars
- Ars Diavoli
- Ars Goetia
- Ars Irae
- Ars Macabra
- Ars Magna
- Ars Magna Umbrae
- Ars Manifestia
- Ars Moriendi
- Ars Veneficium
- Arsebreed
- Arsedestroyer
- Arsgoatia
- Arsis
- Arson
- Arson Anthem
- Arson Garden
- Arsonists Get All the Girls
- Arstidir Lifsins
- Art Against Agony
- Art Inferno
- Art Nation
- Art of Creation
- Art of Shock
- Art X
- Artaius
- Artas
- Artch
- Artension
- Artery Eruption
- Artery Eruption/Inhuman Dissiliency
- Arthemesia
- Arthemis
- Arthur Falcone
- Artillery
- Artillery Breath
- Artimus Pyle Band
- Artizan
- Artrosis
- Arts Of Erebus
- Artwork/feelsaitig/embryo
- Arundo
- Arusha Accord
- Arv
- Arvas
- Arven
- As Blood Runs Black
- As Bound With Them
- As Cities Burn
- As Darkness Dies
- As Everything Unfolds
- As Hearts Bleeding
- As Hell Retreats
- As Hope Dies
- As I Lay Dying
- As I May
- As I Rise
- As Lions
- As Misery Fades
- As Serenity Fades
- As The Palaces Burn
- As The Structure Fails
- As the World Dies
- As They Sleep
- As We Fight
- As You Drown
- Asagraum
- Ascend the Hollow
- Ascended Dead
- Ascension of the Watchers
- Ascian
- Asenblut
- Asesino
- Asg
- Asgard
- Asgaroth
- Ash Return
- Ashbury Faith
- Ashen Horde
- Ashen Mortality
- Ashes Are Nutritious
- Ashes Collide
- Ashes Divide
- Ashes of Ares
- Ashes of Serenity
- Ashes of Sorrow
- Ashes Remain
- Ashes to Eternity
- Ashes You Leave
- Ashrain
- Ashton,Lord Paice
- Asia
- Asinhell
- Ask the Slave
- Askara
- Asking Alexandria
- Ásmegin
- Asmodeus
- Asmodeus X
- Asmodina
- Asonia,Saint
- Asphagor
- Asphodelia
- Asphodelus
- Asphyx
- Asphyxia
- Asrai
- Assailant
- Assassin
- Assassin's Blade
- Assault
- Assault F.Y.C.
- Assault the Queen
- Assaulter
- Assemblage 23
- Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound
- Assjack
- Assorted Heap
- Assück
- Astari Nite
- Astaroth
- Astarte
- Astarte Syriaca
- Astharoth
- Astral Domine
- Astral Doors
- Astral Mass
- Astralborne
- Astralion
- Astriferous
- Astrofaes
- Astrophyte
- Asylum
- Asylum 414
- Asylum 8
- Asylum On The Hill
- Asylum Pyre
- Asylum Suite
- At All Cost
- At All Costs
- At Deaths Door
- At No End
- At The Altar Of The Horned God
- At the Dawn
- At the Drive-In
- At the Gates
- At the Gates/Grotesque
- At The Hollow
- At the Left Hand of God
- At the Skylines
- At the Throne of Judgement
- At Vance
- At War
- At War With Self
- At War With Shadows
- Atame
- Atanatos
- Ataraxia
- Ataraxia & Autunna E
- Ataraxy
- Atargatis
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Atavist / Nadja
- Ateiggär
- Atheist
- Athemon
- Athena
- Athena XIX
- Atheretic
- Athletic Automaton
- Atkins,Ronnie
- Atlain
- Atlantean Kodex
- Atlantis Chronicles
- Atlantis Drive
- Atlantis Rising
- Atlas
- Atlas : Empire
- Atlas & Axis
- Atlas Dying
- Atlas Losing Grip
- Atlas Moth
- Atlas Moth,the
- Atlas Pain
- Atlases
- Atoll
- Atom Eve Eclipse
- Atomic Aggressor
- Atomic Agressor
- Atomic Genocide
- Atomic Opera
- Atomic Rooster
- Atomic Terror
- Atomizer
- Atomkraft
- Atomsmasher
- Atonement
- Atrae Bilis
- Atramentus
- Atreyu
- Atrium Carceri / Cities Last Broadcast
- Atrocious Abnormality
- Atrocity
- Atrophia Red Sun
- Atrophy
- Atropos Wrath
- Atrox
- Atrox Trauma
- Attack
- Attack Attack!
- Attack Formation
- Attack in Black
- Attack of the Rising
- Attack On One
- Attack Vertical
- Attack Vipers
- Attacker
- Attaxe
- Attempted Arson
- Attic
- Attic of Love
- Attica Rage
- Attick Demons
- Attika
- Attika 7
- Attila
- Attila Csihar
- Attitude Adjustment
- Attomica
- Attrition
- Au Champ des Morts
- Au Dessus
- Au-Dessus
- Audio Kollaps
- Audio Porn
- Audioslave
- Audiovision
- Auditory Armory
- Audn
- Audr
- Audrey Horne
- Auðn
- Aufbau West
- Auger
- Auger Bane
- Auger,Arleen
- Augury
- August Burns Red
- Aun
- Aura Noir
- Aura Noire
- Aurelio Voltaire
- Aureole
- Auri
- Auroch
- Auróra
- Aurora Black
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurora By Noon
- Aurora Empire
- Aurora Sutra
- Aurora Y la Academia
- Aussitôt Mort
- Austere
- Austrian Death Machine
- Autarkh III
- Author & Punisher
- Autobahn Outlaw
- Autograph
- Autophagy
- Autopsia
- Autopsy
- Autopsy Night
- Autopsy Torment
- Autrest
- Autumn
- Autumn Black
- Autumn Blaze
- Autumn Bride
- Autumn Clan
- Autumn Hour
- Autumn Leaves
- Autumn Nostalgie
- Autumn Silence
- Autumn Tears
- Autumn's Child
- Autumn's Dawn
- Autumnal
- Autumnal Reaper
- Autumnblaze
- Ava Inferi
- Avalanch
- Avalanche
- Avant Guardian
- Avantasia
- Avatar
- Avatarium
- Avdagata
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avenger
- Avenger of Blood
- Avengers
- Avenue Z
- Avernus
- Averse Sefira
- Aversed
- Avian
- Aviana
- Avichi
- Avmakt
- Avslut
- Avulsed
- Awake
- Awake Again
- Awake the Dreamer
- Awake The Mutes
- Awake the Sun
- Awaken
- Awaken Demons
- Awaken I am
- Awaken the Bride
- Awaken the Misogynist
- Awakening
- Awful Noise
- Axe
- Axe Cane
- Axe Crazy
- Axe Master
- Axe Ninjas
- Axe Project
- Axe Ripper
- Axe Steeler
- Axe Victims
- Axe Witch
- Axegressor
- Axegrinder
- AxeHammer
- Axel Rudi Pell
- Axenstar
- AxeWound
- Axis
- Axis of Advance
- Axis of Despair
- Axis of Empires
- Axis Power
- Axis Powers
- Axoe
- Axxis
- Ayreon
- Ayreon vs. Avantasia
- Azaghal
- Azarath
- Azath
- Aziola Cry
- Azrael
- Azrael (USA)
- Azrael's Bane
- Azrath-11
- Aztec Jade
- Azure Agony
- Azure Mortal