- F Models
- F-Minus
- F-Three
- F.D.S.
- F.E.A.S.T.
- F.F.F.
- F.I.D
- F.K.Ü.
- F.O.A.D
- F.O.a.d.
- F.O.B.
- F.U.B.A.R.
- F.U.C.T.
- F@b
- F**K The Facts
- F5
- Fabulous Desaster
- Face Down
- Face Down Dead
- Face Down Hero
- Face Your Maker
- Facebreaker
- Faceless
- Faceless Burial
- Facing Fears
- Factory 81
- Factory Brains
- Factory of Art
- Faderhead
- Fading
- Fading Bliss
- Fading Circles
- Fading Colours
- Fading Starlight
- Faerie Ring
- Faff-Bey
- Fagyhamu
- Fahrenheit 212
- Fair Haven
- Fair Sex,the
- Fair to Midland
- Fair Warning
- Fair Warning (2)
- Fair Warning [Papersleeve]
- Fairyland
- Fairytale Abuse
- Faith
- Faith & the Muse
- Faith and Desire
- Faith and Fire
- Faith and the Muse
- Faith Circus
- Faith City Fiasco
- Faith Factor
- Faith Head
- Faith No More
- Faith or Fear
- Faith Taboo
- Faithful Breath
- Faithful Darkness
- Faithsedge
- Fake Moss
- Falchion
- Falcon
- Falcon Hunts
- Falcon Scream
- Falcone, Arthur / Stargazer
- Falconer
- Falkenbach
- Falkenstein
- Fall of a Season
- Fall of Because
- Fall of Carthage
- Fall of Darkness
- Fall of Efrafa
- Fall of Every Season
- Fall of Idols
- Fall Of Messiah
- Fall of Serenity
- Fall of the Grey Winged One
- Fall of the Idols
- Fall River Massacre
- Fall Well's Nightmare
- Fallen 2 Pieces
- Fallen Angel
- Fallen Angel's Symphony
- Fallen Angels
- Fallen Arise
- Fallen Christ
- Fallen Legion
- Fallen Order
- Fallen Sanctuary
- Fallen Yggdrasil
- Falling Cycle
- Falling in Reverse
- Falling Red
- Falloch
- Fallout
- Fallout H.R.
- Falls of Rauros
- Fallstar
- Fallujah
- False Gods
- False Icons
- False Memories
- False Truth
- Family Force 5
- Famous Last Words
- Fans of the Dark
- Fantômas
- Far Beyond
- Far From Saints
- Far North
- Farewell to Arms
- Farewell to Words
- Fargo
- Fargue
- Farmakon
- Farmer Boys
- Farmschool Holocaust
- Farscape
- Farsot
- Fasedown
- Fashion Bomb
- Fast & the Furious:Tokyo Drift
- Fast Crash
- Fast Eddie Clarke
- Faster Pussycat
- Fastkill
- Fastway
- Fatal Embrace
- Fatal Fire
- Fatal Force
- Fatal Portrait
- Fatal Vision
- Fatboy Slim
- Fate
- Fate of Eternity
- Fate's Fortune
- Fate's Hand
- Fateful Finality
- Fates Prophecy
- Fates Warning
- Father Befouled
- Fathom Nagg
- Fathomless Ritual
- Fats Domino
- Fäulnis
- Faun
- Fauns
- Faust Again
- Faustcoven
- Fax Arcana
- Fb1964
- Feaces Christ
- Feanor
- Feanor Omega
- Fear
- Fear Before
- Fear Before the March of Flames
- Fear Connection
- Fear Factory
- Fear Falls Burning/Nadja
- Fear My Thoughts
- Fear of Domination
- Fear of Eternity
- Fear of God
- Fear the Sirens
- Fear Theories
- Fearer
- Fearless Iranians from Hell
- Fearless Leader
- Fearless Vampire Killers
- Fearscape
- Feast Eternal
- Feast for the Crows
- Feastem
- Feasting on Darkness
- Feed Her to the Sharks
- Feed the Corpses to the Pigs
- Feed Them Death
- Feel So Bad [Montly F.S.B 08]
- Feelament
- Feeling B
- Fei Comodo
- Feindflug
- Feisty Cadavers
- Fejd
- Felipe Andreoli
- Felled
- Fellowship
- Fellsilent
- Fellwarden
- Felony
- Femeheim
- Femme Fatale
- Fen
- Fen & de Arma
- Fennesz
- Fenriz
- Fer de Lance
- Feral
- Feral & Crawl
- Feral Light
- Feralia
- Ferndal
- Fester
- Festerday
- Festering Saliva
- Festung Nebelburg
- Fetal Blood Eagle
- Fetal Disgorge
- Fetid
- Fetid Zombie
- Fetid Zombie / Svierg
- Feuerschwanz
- Fever 333
- Few Left Standing
- Fferyllt
- Fgfc820
- Fiddler's Green
- Fides Inversa
- Fields of Nephilim
- Fields of the Nephilim
- Fiends at Feast
- Fierce Allegiance
- Fierce Conviction
- Fierce Heart
- Fifth Angel
- Fifth Dawn
- Fifth Newheavy
- Fifth Note
- Fifty One's
- Fiftywatthead
- Fight
- Fight Amp
- Fight Between Frames
- Fight for Rome
- Fight It Out
- Fight Like Hell
- Fight Paris
- Fight the Fade
- Fight The Fight
- Fighter V
- Fighting Atrophy
- Fightstar
- Figure Four
- Figure of Six
- Filter
- Filth Is Eternal
- Filthy Christians
- Fimbulthier
- Fimbultyr
- Fimbulvet
- Fimbulwinter
- Final Axe
- Final Breath
- Final Coil
- Final Conflict
- Final Crusade
- Final Cry
- Final Depravity
- Final Frontier
- Final Prayer
- Final Sigh
- Final Sigh,the
- Final Strike
- Final Trigger
- Final Virus
- Finally Deceased
- Find Me
- Finger Eleven
- Fingernails
- Finish Him!
- Finnegan's Hell
- Finnr's Cane
- Finntroll
- Finsterforst
- Fiorletta,Simone
- Fire Action
- Fire Bird
- Fire Down Below
- Fire From The Gods
- Fire in Fairyland
- Fire In The Asylum
- Fire of Revenge
- Fire Throne
- Fireball Ministry
- Firebird
- Firebrand Super Rock
- Firebreather
- Fireforce
- FireHouse
- Fires in the Distance
- Firespawn
- Firewind
- Firewing
- Firewölfe
- Firm
- Firm Incorporated,the
- Firmament
- Firn
- First Blood
- First Doom
- First Fragment
- First Lady Assassins
- First Signal
- First Signs of Frost
- First Strike
- Firtan
- Fish
- Fish And Scale
- Fish on Friday
- Fishbone
- Fission
- Fist
- Fist Fite
- Fist of the North Star
- Fist Ov Nails
- Fist to the Sky
- Fister
- Fister Steve
- Fister,Steve
- Fit for a King
- Fit for an Autopsy
- Five Bolt Main
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Five Hundred, the
- Five Hundred,the
- Five Pointe O
- Five the Hierophant
- Five-Ive
- Five.Bolt.Main
- Fix8:Sed8
- Fixer
- Fjoergyn
- Fjort
- Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation
- Flame
- Flame Dear Flame
- Flame on
- Flame,Dear Flame
- Flames
- Flames of Fire
- Flametal
- Flamin' Groovies
- Flamin' Groovies,the
- Flaming Sideburns
- Flaming Youth
- Flashback of Anger
- Flat Earth
- Flat Earth Society
- Flat Noise Bag
- Flaw
- Fleas and Lice
- Fleetwood Mac
- Flegma
- Fleischer
- Fleischer, Frau
- Fleischmann
- Flesh & Blood
- Flesh Field
- Flesh Grinder
- Flesh Made Sin
- Fleshcrawl
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Fleshgore
- Fleshgrind
- Fleshworks
- Flesia
- Fleurety
- Fliehende Stürme
- Flight
- Flight 16
- Flight of Sleipnir
- Flight of Sleipnir,the
- Flint
- Flint Glass
- Floating Opera
- Flood of Red
- Floor
- Floor Is Made of Lava
- Florczak, Curt
- Florczak,Curt
- Florence+the Sphinx
- Florencethe Sphinx
- Florian Grey
- Flotsam and Jetsam
- Flourishing Scourge
- Flower for Body Snatcher
- Flower Kings, the
- Flower Travellin' Band
- Flowers For Bodysnatchers
- Flowing Tears
- Floya
- Floyd,Pretty Boy
- Flu.Id
- Fluid
- Fluid Sol
- Fluids
- Fluisteraars
- Fluisteraars & Turia
- Flux of Pink Indians
- Flybanger
- Flyleaf
- Flymore
- FM (Britain)
- FM (Canada)
- FM2000
- Focal Dystonia
- Foetus
- Foetus Corruptus
- Foetus Inc
- Foetus Inc.
- Foetus Interruptus
- Foetus Null
- Foetus Symphony Orchestra
- Fog of War
- Foghat
- Folge dem Wind
- Folk Stone
- Folkearth
- Folterkammer
- Fongus
- Foo Fighters
- For All Eternity
- For All I am
- For All This Bloodshed
- For All Those Sleeping
- For All We Know
- For I am King
- For My Demons
- For My Pain...
- For Ruin
- For the Fallen Dreams
- For the Storms
- For Today
- Foray Between Ocean
- Forbidden
- Forbidden Seasons
- Forbidden Seed
- Forbidden Site
- Force
- Force 10
- Force Majeure
- Force of Change
- Force of Evil
- Force of Habit
- Force Of Progress
- Force,the
- Forced Entry
- Forcefield
- Forcefield 4
- Forcefield II
- Forcefield III
- Forcefield IV
- Forces at Work
- Forces United
- Fordomth
- Forefather
- Foreign
- Foreign Pain
- Foreigner
- Foreknown
- Forensick
- Foreshadowing
- Foreshadowing,the
- Forest of Impaled
- Forest of Shadows
- Forest of Stars
- Forest of the Impaled
- Forest of Witchery
- Forest Stream
- Forever in Combat
- Forever in Terror
- Forever Is Forgotten
- Forever It Shall Be
- Forever Slave
- Forever St1ll
- Forever Still
- Forevermore
- Forevers Edge
- Forgeus
- Forgjord
- Forgotten
- Forgotten Anami
- Forgotten Chaos
- Forgotten Grey
- Forgotten Horror
- Forgotten North
- Forgotten Realm
- Forgotten Rebels
- Forgotten Silence
- Forgotten Sunrise
- Forgotten Suns
- Forgotten Tales
- Forgotten Tomb
- Forgotten Woods
- Forhist
- Form of Aggression
- Forma Tadre
- Formaldehydist
- Formel I
- Formicarius
- Forming The Void
- Formless Master
- Formosa
- Forndom
- Fornhem
- Forodwaith
- Forrester,Rhett
- Forsaken
- Forsaken Age
- Forsaken Rite
- Forsaken, the
- Forsman
- Forsth
- Fort Minor
- Forté
- Forteresse
- Fortid
- Fortran 5
- Fortress Under Siege
- Fortune
- Forty Below Summer
- Forty Shades
- Forty Winters
- Foscor
- Fossilization
- Fostermother
- Foul Body Autopsy
- Found Dead Hanging
- Four in a Cage
- Fourth Circle
- Foxy Shazam
- Fozzy
- Fractal Gates
- Fractal Universe
- Fractured Insanity
- Fragile Hollow
- Fragment
- Fragment Soul
- Fragments of Unbecoming
- Frahm,Nils
- Frail Body
- Frameshift
- Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush
- Frank [Papersleeve] Zappa
- Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
- Frank Marino
- Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush
- Frank Turner
- Frank Zappa
- Frank Zappa & the Mothers
- Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
- Frank Zappa/the Mothers
- Frank,Herman
- Frankenbok
- Frankenshred
- Frankie and the Witch Fingers
- Frantic Amber
- Fraternia / Persuaders
- Frau Fleischer
- Freak Kitchen
- Freak XXI
- Freaks and Clowns
- Freakstorm
- Freaky Fukin Weirdoz
- Freax
- Freddie Mercury
- Freddie Salem & the Wildcats
- Freddy And The Phantoms
- Freddy Marshall
- Frederiksen,Lars & the Bastards
- Fredrik Thordendal
- Free
- Free Air Festival
- Free Fall
- Free Form Funky Freqs
- Free from Sin
- Free Key Bit Chess
- Free Little Pigs
- Free Mark
- Free Throw
- Free, Marc
- Freedom & Pain
- Freedom Call
- Freeloader
- Freeman,Chico & Brainstorm
- Freerock Saints
- Freeways
- Frehley, Ace
- Frehley's Comet
- Freitod
- Frequency Drift
- FreshFabrik
- Frett
- Friday Night Villain
- Friedman Marty
- Friedman, Marty
- Friedman,Marty
- Friends of Hell
- Fright Night
- Fright, the
- Frightmare
- Frigoris
- Fritz Kalkbrenner
- Frog Leap
- From a Second Story Window
- From Ashes to New
- From Autumn to Ashes
- From Beneath Billows
- From Crisis to Collapse
- From Fall to Spring
- From First to Last
- From Graves of Valor
- From Hell
- From Her Eyes
- From North
- From Sorrow to Serenity
- From the Dust Returned
- From the Ruins
- From the Shallows
- From the Vastland
- Front 242
- Front Line Assembly
- Front Line Assembly & Friends
- Front Row Warriors
- Frontierer
- Frontline Assembly
- Frontline Assembly Vs Die Krupps
- Frontline Despair
- Frontside
- Frost
- Frost Bite
- Frost Jack
- Frost Like Ashes
- Frost,the
- Frost*
- Frostbite Orckings
- Frosthardr
- Frostmoon Eclipse
- Frosttide
- Frostvore
- Frosty Cash Cow
- Frozen
- Frozen By Fire
- Frozen Crown
- Frozen Dawn
- Frozen Eternity
- Frozen Garden
- Frozen Ghost
- Frozen Infinity
- Frozen Land
- Frozen Plasma
- Frozen Rain
- Frozen Shadows
- Frozen Silk
- Frozen Soul
- Frozen Sun
- Frozen Tears
- Fu Manchu
- Fuath
- Fuck Off
- Fuck the Facts
- Fuck The Facts & Fistfuck
- Fuck You and Die
- Fuck Your Shadow From Behind
- Fuck... I'm Dead
- Fucking Wrath
- Fucking Wrath,the
- Fudge Tunnel
- Fuel
- Fuel 238
- Fueled by Fire
- Fugitive
- Fugitives,the
- Fulci
- Full Blown Chaos
- Full Circle
- Full Devil Jacket
- Full Frontal Assault
- Full House Brew Crew
- Full Of Hell
- Full of Hell & Nothing
- Full Of Hell & Primitive Man
- Full Scale
- Full Scale Riot
- Full Speed Ahead
- Fuming Mouth
- Fun
- Fun Boy Three
- Fun Lovin' Criminals
- Fun-Da-Mental
- Funebre
- Funebris
- Funeraille
- Funeral
- Funeral Age
- Funeral Chic
- Funeral Circle
- Funeral Crashers
- Funeral Cult
- Funeral for a Friend
- Funeral Frost
- Funeral Mantra
- Funeral Marmoori
- Funeral Mist
- Funeral Moon
- Funeral Moth
- Funeral Nation
- Funeral Oration
- Funeral Procession
- Funeral Pyre
- Funeral Pyre, the
- Funeral Throne
- Funeral Whore
- Funeral Winds
- Funereal
- Funereal Presence
- Funker Vogt
- Funny Ugly Cute Karma
- Fuoco Fatuo
- Furbowl
- Furies
- Furious Barking
- Furious Trauma
- Furor Gallico
- Fury in the Slaughterhouse
- Fury of Five
- Furze
- Fusion Bomb
- Fusspils 11
- Future Palace
- Future Ruins
- Futures End
- Fvnerals
- Fyrnask