- W.A.S.P.
- W.Angel's Conquest
- W.E.B.
- W.E.T.
- W.i.l.d.
- W.R.A.T.H.
- Waco Jesus
- Wade Black's Astronomica
- Wage War
- Wagner,Eric
- Waidelotte
- Wait Hell in Pain
- Waiting for Sunset
- Wake of Redemption
- Wake The Colossus
- Wake The Dead
- Wake Up Dead
- Wakedead Gathering
- Wakedead Gathering, the
- Wakeman, Rick
- Wakeman,Rick
- Waken Eyes
- Waking the Cadaver
- Wako (We Are Killing Oureselves)
- Waldgeflüster
- Walk in Darkness
- Walk the Walk
- Walk the Wire
- Walker, Butch & Let S-Go-Out
- Walker, Jeff and die Fluffers
- Walker,Brett
- Walker,Peter
- Walking Dead On Broadway
- Walking Kills the Dream
- Walking Stone Giants
- Walking with Strangers
- Walking Wounded
- Wall
- Wall of Death
- Wall of Funk
- Wall of Sleep
- Wall of the Fallen
- Wall,Colter
- Wall,the
- Wallachia
- Wallfahrer
- Walls of Babylon
- Walls of Blood
- Walls of Jericho
- Walls Within
- Waltari
- Wanderer
- Wanted Awakening
- Wanton Attack
- War
- War & Peace
- War Agenda
- War and Peace
- War Babies
- War Cloud
- War Crime
- War Curse
- War Dance
- War Device
- War from a Harlots Mouth
- War Machine
- War of Ages
- War of Thrones
- War Possession
- Warbringer
- WarCry
- Warcry STL
- Ward,Seraphim
- Wardress
- Wardruna
- Warfare
- Warfare D.C.
- Warfare Noise
- Warfect
- Warfield Within
- Warfire
- Wargasm
- Wargrinder
- Warhammer
- Warhammer 46k
- Warhammer 48K
- Warhead
- Warhead Project
- Warhead Rising
- Warhorse
- Warkings
- Warlock
- Warlocks
- Warlocks,the
- Warlord
- Warlord (UK)
- Warlords of Pez
- Warlust
- Warm Up
- Warmen
- Warmoon Lord
- Warning
- Warning SF
- Warning Sign
- Warpath
- Warped Cross
- Warrant
- Warrel Dane
- Warrior
- Warrior Path
- Warrior Soul
- Warriors
- Wars
- Warship
- Warspite
- Warwolf
- Wasara
- Wasted Land
- Wasted Shells
- Wastefall
- Watain
- Watch
- Watch Me Bleed
- Watch Me Burn
- Watch my anger grow
- Watch Out Stampede
- Watch Them Die
- Watch Them Fade
- Watch Them Fail
- Watch, the
- Watchers
- Watchtower
- Waters, Roger
- Waters,Roger
- Watts
- Watts & Delzer
- Watts,Andre
- Waves of Serenity
- Way of Changes
- Way to End
- Way, Pete
- Way,Pete
- Wayd
- Wayfarer
- Wayland
- Waylander
- Waysted
- Wayward Dawn
- Wayward Sons
- We Are Carnivores
- We Are Hex
- We Are Legend
- We Are Temporary
- We Are the Best Band in the World
- We Are the Empty
- We Are the Fallen
- We Are Wolf
- We as Human
- We Be Echo
- We Butter the Bread With Butte
- We Butter the Bread With Butter
- We Came as Romans
- We Could Build An Empire
- We Have the Moon
- We Hunt Buffalo
- We Live in the Trenches
- We Never Learned to Live
- We Rock Like Girls Don't
- We Sell the Dead
- We the Equinox
- We the Gathered
- We Will Go Machete
- Weak
- Weak Aside
- Weakling
- Weapönizer
- Weathered Hands
- Weathered Statues
- Weatherhead
- Wedard
- Wednesday 13
- Wednesday 13 S Frankenstein Dr
- Wednesday 13's Frankenstein Drag Queens
- Weedeater
- Weena Morloch
- Weeping Silence
- Wehrmacht
- Weinhold, Jutta
- Weinhold,Jutta
- Weird Owl
- Weissglut
- Welcome the Plague Year
- Welcome to Pleshiwar
- Welcome to the Plague Year
- Welicoruss
- Welle: Erdball
- Weller,Paul
- Wells Valley
- Weltenbrand
- Weltmacht
- Wendy O. Williams
- Werewolves
- Werkraum
- Werwolf
- Werwolf Ensemble
- Wesenwille
- Wessels, Charlotte
- Wessels,Charlotte
- West Bound
- West, Leslie
- West, Leslie & Mountain
- West,Leslie
- West,Leslie & Mountain
- West,Leslie Band
- Western Devils
- Wet Animal
- Wet Nurse & Ten Thousand Miles of Arteries
- Wet Ones
- Wez Roxx
- What Awaits Us
- What Happens Next?
- What We Feel/Devil Shoots Devil
- Wheel
- Wheeling Bitch Circus
- Wheels of Fire
- Wheels On Fire
- Wheels on the Bus
- When Cities Sleep
- When Giants Collide
- When I Sleep I Fly
- When the Deadbolt Breaks
- When Tigers Fight
- When Trees Leave Wolves
- Where Angels Fall
- Where the Enemy Sleeps
- Where the Sun Comes Down
- While Heaven Wept
- While Heroes Sleep
- While Rome Burns
- While She Sleeps
- Whine or Live Fearlessly
- Whiplash
- Whiskey Ritual
- Whispered
- Whispering Void
- Whispers in the Shadow
- White Arms of Athena
- White Coffin
- White Crone
- White Darkness
- White Dog
- White Flame
- White Heart
- White Heat
- White Light Cemetery
- White Lion
- White Magician
- White Manna
- White Mantis
- White Moth Black Butterfly
- White Moth Throne
- White Nails
- White Ocean
- White Sister
- White Skull
- White Spirit
- White Stones
- White Tiger
- White Void
- White Ward
- White Wizzard
- White Wolf
- White Zombie
- White Zombies
- Whitechapel
- Whitecross
- Whitehouse
- Whitenails
- Whitesnake
- Who
- Who the
- Whom Gods Destroy
- Whore
- Whore of Babylon
- Whore of Bethlehem
- Whores of Babylon
- Whores of Tijuana
- Whores.
- Why Amnesia
- Wicca
- Wicked Angel
- Wicked Sensation
- Wicked Stone
- Wicked Wisdom
- Wide Awake
- Widowmaker
- Wiegedood
- Wig Wam
- Wild Beyond
- Wild Carnation
- Wild Dogs
- Wild Frontier
- Wild Horses
- Wild Hunt
- Wild Witch
- Wilde Jungs
- Wilderun
- Wildfire
- Wildheart,Cj
- Wildpath
- Wildside
- Wildstreet
- Will
- Will 'o' Wisp
- Will Haven
- Will Killmore
- Will Mire
- Will O Wisp
- Will the Thrill
- Will to Live
- Will'o'Wisp
- William Shatner
- Williams Abigail
- Williams Rozz
- Williams,Abigail
- Willie Nelson
- Wily Virus
- Wind in His Hair
- Wind Of Black Mountains
- Wind of the Black Mountains
- Wind Rose
- Wind Wraith
- Windhand
- Winding Road
- Windir
- Windmills By The Ocean
- Winds
- Winds of Genocide
- Winds of Plague
- Winds of Plague/Afb/Loyal to T
- Winds of Sirius
- Winds of the Black Mountain
- Winds of Torment
- Windy & Carl
- Wine From Tears
- Wingdom
- Winger
- Winger, Kip
- Wings
- Wings & Paul Mccartney
- Wings In Motion
- Wings of Abaddon
- Wings of Destiny
- Wings of Scarlet
- Wings of Steel
- Wingtips
- Wintarnaht
- Winter
- Winter Brothers Band
- Winter Edgar
- Winter Eternal
- Winter Haze
- Winter Johnny
- Winter of Apokalypse
- Winter of Life
- Winter Of Sin
- Winter Owl
- Winter Parade
- Winter Rose
- Winter Solstice
- Winter, Edgar / Hubbard, L. Ron
- Winter, Johnny
- Winter, Johnny/Winter, Edgar
- Winter,Edgar & Friends
- Winter,Edgar-White Trash
- Winter,Edgar/Johnny
- Winter's Bane
- Winter's Burden
- Winter's Dawn
- Winter's Thrall
- Winter's Verge
- Winterfold
- Winterfylleth
- Winterhorde
- Wintermoonshade
- Winters Veil
- Winterstorm
- Wintersun
- Wirksystem
- Wisdom
- Wisdom Call
- Wisdom In Chains
- Wiseblood
- Wishbone Ash
- Wissem,Jozef Van & Jarmusch,Jim
- Witch
- Witch Blade
- Witch Casket
- Witch Cross
- Witch King
- Witch Mountain
- Witch Of The Vale
- Witch Queen
- Witch Taint
- Witch Vomit
- Witchbound
- Witchburner
- Witchcraft
- Witchcross
- Witche's Brew
- Witchers Creed
- Witchery
- Witches Brew
- Witches of Doom
- Witchfield [Thomas Hand Chaste
- Witchfinder General
- Witchfynde
- Witchhammer
- Witching Altar
- Witchmaster
- Witchrider
- Witchskull
- Witchthroat Serpent
- Witchtrap
- With All My Hate
- With Blood Comes Cleansing
- With Dead Hands Rising
- With Empty Hands
- With Honor We Fight
- With One Last Breath
- With Our Arms To the Sun
- With Passion
- With The Dead
- With The End In Mind
- Withem
- Wither
- Withered
- Withered Beauty
- Withered Bones
- Withered Earth
- Witherfall
- Witheria
- Withering Orchard,Thy
- Withering Scorn
- Withering Surface
- Witherscape
- Within
- Within Chaos
- Within Destruction
- Within Reach
- Within Silence
- Within Temptation
- Within the Ruins
- Within Y
- Without Face
- Without Grief
- Without M.F. Order
- Without Warning
- Without Waves
- Witt,Joachim
- Wizard
- Wizards
- Wizardthrone
- Wizz Wizzard
- Wizzard
- Wo Fat
- Wobbler
- Wode
- Woe
- Woe Is Me
- Woe of Tyrants
- Woe Unto Me
- Wolf
- Wolf Counsel
- Wolf Down
- Wolf Eyes
- Wolf Hoffmann
- Wolf in Vain
- Wolf Jaw
- Wolf King
- Wolf Legion
- Wolf Prayer
- Wolf Skin
- Wolf Spider
- Wolfbrigade
- Wolfchant
- Wolfe
- Wolfen
- Wolfen Reloaded
- Wolfen Society
- Wolfenmond
- Wolfheart
- Wolfmother
- Wolfmother the
- Wolfnaut
- Wolfpack Unleashed
- Wolfs Moon
- Wolvennest
- Wolverine
- Wolves at the Gate
- Wolves Attack
- Wolves Den
- Wolves in Haze
- Wolves in the Throne Room
- Wolves Like Us
- Wolves Of Perdition
- Wolves' Winter
- Woman Is the Earth
- Wombbath
- Wömit Angel
- Wonder Boys
- Wonders
- Wood, Roy & Wizzard
- Woods of Belial
- Woods of Desolation
- Woods of Ypres
- Words of Concrete
- Words of Farewell
- Working Men's Club
- World Bang
- World Below
- World Demise
- World of Pain
- World of Silence
- World Under Blood
- World War III
- World War Me
- World Will Burn
- World Will Burn, The
- World/Inferno Friendship
- Worm
- Worm Ouroboros
- Worm Shepherd
- Wormed
- Wormhole
- Wormlight
- Wormrot
- Worms
- Worms of Sabnock
- Wormwitch
- Wormwood
- Worship
- Worshipper
- Worst
- Worst Case Scenario
- Worst Doubt
- Worst Horse
- Worst Party Ever
- Woslom
- Wotan
- Wothrosch
- Wounds Of Old
- Wovenwar
- Wraith
- Wraiths
- Wrath
- Wrath from Above
- Wrath Of Echoes
- Wrath Of Killenstein
- Wrath Of The Nebula
- Wrath of the Weak
- Wrathchild
- Wrathchild America
- Wrathprayer / Force of Darkness
- Wreched Vermin
- Wreck
- Wreck of the Hesperus
- Wreck-Defy
- Wrecking Company
- Wrecks
- Wrench in the Works
- Wretched
- Wretched Asylum
- Wretched Humanity
- Wretched Soul
- Wretched Vermin
- Wring, the
- Wringer
- Write This Down
- Written in Blood
- Written In Torment
- Wsobm
- Wucan
- Wulfgar
- Wulfpäck
- Wulkanaz
- Wumpscut
- Wurdulak
- Wuthering Heights
- Wydfara's Prophecy
- Wykked Wytch
- Wynardtage
- Wyrd
- Wytch Hazel
- Wythersake